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发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-25 23:46



热心网友 时间:2024-10-24 06:29

  寄宿家庭是游客或 留学 生在国外旅行或游学时的一种方式,当你们去往寄宿家庭的时候需要写信介绍自己,使别人更容易接纳自己。下面我整理了给寄宿家庭的英文信,欢迎阅读。


  写给寄宿家庭的信英语 范文 篇一

  Dear Host Family:

  Thank you for hosting me!

  My name is ×××. My English name is Lily. Maybe I’ll be in trouble while staying with you, but I story believe, with your help, I’ll get over it. Thank you for receiving me, it’s sure that I won’t feel lonely with you. I am very happy to stay at your home and become a new family member, I am very honest.

  Let me introce myself now. I am a little shy girl, but I’m not going to care too much about small cases. And I almost never get angry. You will see my happy smiling face every day. I have a harmonious family, I have a heavy father, a beautiful mother and loving grandparents, there are many cousins in my family, too. As for my hobbies, I like reading, painting, what’s more, I’m interested in playing computer, and my favorite is watching movies. I like to eat dessert, so I'm a little fat. I hear that the American food is very delicious, I wish I’ll taste some homemade American food.

  Do you like animals? Every time I see the small animals will be very happy. My favorite pet is dogs, the dog is one of the most loyal friends, and they are intelligent. I’ll help you to raise the animals in your family, I believe we will become good friends.

  This is the first time I to the United States, I’m very interested in American culture and life. Also, there are many scenic spots the in the United States, Having a Travel to the United States is my wish. But my

  English is not very good, I hope you can be communicate with me


  Finally, I sincerely thank you for your hospitality and I also hope I

  will bring you infinite joy and everlasting memories in this short 3 weeks.

  Yours sincerely



  Dear host family:

  I’m glad to be one of your family members.

  My name is Chelsea and I’m 16 years old. Since the World Cup, I have dreamt about going to Germany because they played so well! From their performance, I know the people in your country are prudent and firm, and they never lose heart.

  In China, I live with my mum. We’re not only mum and daughter but also friends who trust and respect each other like sisters. At weekends, we sometimes go to play badminton; sometimes we go to the cinema or sing songs in KTVs. I feel relaxed when we do these. In holidays, I’ll go out with my classmates to play ball game, go shopping and sing songs. When important festivals arrive, I’ll go to visit my grandparents.

  I love Chinese and English, as language learning is a very interesting thing which can help me broaden my horizon. I can read more foreign books in their own language and by learning this I can know what happened yesterday, what is happening now and how all these things happened.

  Besides English and Chinese, I have lots of hobbies. I do really well in art, music and PE. I like painting, but only landscapes. I began learning painting at the age of 4, and I won the first prize in a Beijing competition. Now I like drawing cartoons and I hope my own cartoon book would be come out one day. What’s more, I’m learning guitar, and my favourite singer is Avirl Lavgine. I take music and painting seriously, but for me , badminton is more appealing. I played in a grade competition and won the first prize. During the lunch break, my classmates and I will play badminton together.

  I have lots of dreaming jobs, such as psychologist, socialist, agent, designer and cartoonist. They need great abilities to communicate and imagine, so I hope I can improve myself in one-year exchanging project.

  I love going around to broaden my horizon and make new friends. I’ve been to Australia, Singapore, Japan and Korea. I had experienced of hosting foreign students and right now there is a girl from Thailand living in my home. I also want to learn a totally new language – German in this one year.

  I hope our relationship can become like a true family. At the same time, I wish I can bring more happiness and beautiful memories to this home. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. I can help family cook, clean up and take care of the young family members. I’d love to have some brothers and sisters at home. If I could have a brother or sister who study in the same school (or the same grade) with me, that will be a really lovely thing. I love pets as well, especially dogs and cats. I can help feed them. Thank you for offering a warm home in a foreign country. Thanks again.

  Sincerely yours.



  Dear Host Family

  The next time may be troublesome to you. Thank you, that you can receive me, thank you let me come to the United States alone and will not feel

  lonely. I am very happy to stay at your home and become a new family member, I am very honor.

  I am a very cheerful girl, not very smart, but very strong, sometimes careless, but I will try to correct the deficiencies, I also hope you will forgive me for being some of the shortcomings, as a lively girl, I like the movement, the most favorite is the badminton and outdoor sports, the same time, I also like reading, if you are interested, I can tell you some interesting allusions about China, there are a number of

  national customs, although this is only in Chinese culture is very a small part, but I hope to bring you the knowledge and happiness, to facilitate the exchange. hope you can give me some more about the name of the United States customs. I also want to learn some cooking to you.

  I will do a lot of housework, in the new the family, I will try to bear all the useful and I have a civic ty. I hope that my lively and does not affect your work, I am quiet does not make you feel ll, my hard work to make you feel very at ease.

  The exchange of life, may be an opportunity for my life, my parents and sister have also given me great support, not to live up to their hopes

  at the same time, I do not make you disappointed, in the near future I will be to your at home to spend some time with you, I very much look

  forward to live together we have a good time, if I come to bring you some happiness.,

  Best wish fou you and thank you very much.

  Yous Tao

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