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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-05 12:21



热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 20:14

分类: 外语/出国

《世界大战》: War of the Worlds

英文简介:The plot narrates the Marian to invade the Earth, and they have planned this invasion for long run. The technology of Martian is more advanced than the Earth. At a traffic intersection in New Jersey, the pavement shocks, a dark metallic robot like a giant squid, rising up over the road and with rumbling roar, as if it born from the Earth with three legs. The Marian's weapon can shoot laser, which destroyed wherever it crossed. Numbers of people escaped from the enormous squid's assault. Those who are hit by the laser will bee *** oke. The human's weapons were invaluable to the Martian driving enormous robot, because of a shield they have. The Martian do not drink and eat, but depend on capturing the human beings and suck their blood. Just when they are triumphant, but they have no immune ability against the Earth of germ, then they all die. As the end of the film monolog saying goes, human being had spent millions of years to adapt the Earth circumstance, and we had got along with nature. The Marian who can’t adapt the Earth nature destine failure. Perhaps, ten years ago, this film could be a wonderful film, but we had already seen INDEPENDENCE DAY, JURASSIC PARK and E.T. We had been accustomed to the astonishment and dread. In any case, this is an excellent entertainment film. It also reflects a panic American have in Post 9.11. Another terror attack, but not by human.

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