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冀教版初中英语5Unit6Brian's Injury的教案

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-11 01:34



热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 16:54

Lesson 43 Brian’s Injury

I. Talk about the accident

Danny fell off the chair, but he was OK. Do you still remember the accident? Report it !

1. Danny is OK. How about Brian?

2. Did they take Brian to the hospital? Who did ?

3. What was the matter ?

4. What did the doctor ask Brian to do?

5. Is Brian able to move his fingers and arms?

6. Is there anything serious?

7. What safety rule did Brian learn?

8. Will Brian recover soon?

II. The new words

If someone was hurt , we say he was injured. We call his sick place ------ injury.

We call a sick person ------ patient.

To walk on the right, we must know the traffic rules.

He is in danger means he is not safe.

Don’t rush in the street, it is dangerous.

He dropped his wallet while he was walking with his son.

The road is too icy, be careful.

III. Reading

Read the news in the text and try your best to answer the questions given.

1. Who was the victim?

2. When was the accident happened?

3. Where was the victim and her friend going?

4. How was the street that day?

5. What did the driver do after the accident ?

6. Who saw it happen?

7. How was the victim?

8. What we can learn from the accident?

IV. Writing exercise

Write a short passage to describe what happened to Brian, use the phrases given below.

injure, injury, nothing serious, recover safety, be careful
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