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交际法的英文定义 急!!高分酬谢,在线等

发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-17 09:05



热心网友 时间:2023-09-13 10:02

Not a highly structured method of teaching. Rather a broad assembly of ideas from a range of sources which have come to be accepted as 'good practice' by many contemporary teachers.

Origins of Approach

In 1960's and 70's foreign language learning was widely extended with the establishment of comprehensive schools. Led to the teaching of a foreign language to virtually all children. Created pressure for a change in teaching methods and curriculi to suit the needs of non-traditional groups of learners. Recognition of inadequacy of traditional grammar/translation methods and also of 'structural' methods with emphasis on meaningless pattern drills and repetition.

New syllabuses took into account needs of different pupils. Traditional academic syllabuses had assumed learner's goal was in-depth mastery of target language. But for less academic pupil a more immediate 'pay-off' was necessary, in terms of usefulness for practical purposes.

Communicative Method

1 Focuses on language as a medium of communication. Recognises that all communication has a social purpose - learner has something to say or find out.
2 Communication embraces a whole spectrum of functions (e.g. seeking information/ apologising/ expressing likes and dislikes, etc) and notions (e.g. apologising for being late / asking where the nearest post office is).

3 New syllabuses based on communicative method offered some communicative ability from early stage.

Graded Objectives in Modern Languages - movement which flourished in 1970's and 80's - raised pupils' motivation through short-term objectives and through teaching language appropriate to a range of relevant topics and situations (e.g. shopping/ hobbies/ exchanges).
4 Hitherto languages were taught in a vacuum - language for the sake of language / passing exams - rather than language for true communication.
Professor Dodson distinguishes between language as a 'medium' level communication and as a 'message' level communication, ex.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-13 10:03

Communicative language teaching (CLT) is an approach to the teaching of second and foreign languages that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of learning a language.
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