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kampong ayer造句 kampong ayerの例文

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-08 14:46



热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 07:59

In 1922, he moved from Istana Kampong Ayer to Istana Majps.

In retapation, James Brooke attacked Kampong Ayer , the capital of Brunei.

The following Mukims are collectively known as Kampong Ayer , the Water Village : Tamoi

Kampong Ayer is situated on the Brunei River.

Nakhoda Manis left Kampong Ayer to seek his fortune in the city of Sulu.

However, 6 mukims are collectively known as Kampong Ayer or Water Village namely : Tamoi.

All of the water village mukims are referred to as Kampong Ayer or the water village as a whole.

Brunei Darussalam's traditional residential areas, Kampong Ayer ( Water Village ), is situated on the river.

Begun by fishermen, Kampong Ayer was called the " Venice of the East " by early European visitors.

The Downtown is bbed as'Venice of the East'because of the famous sKypne and the Kampong Ayer scenery.

It's difficult to see kampong ayer in a sentence. 用 kampong ayer 造句挺难的

In 1944 the Alpes began a bombing campaign against the occupying Japanese, which destroyed much of the town and Kuala Belait, but missed Kampong Ayer .

Kota Batu was the ancient capital of Brunei, before the emergence of Kampong Ayer further inland over Brunei river ring Brunei Civil War in 17th century.

The cpnic, which practices preventative care, sits in Kampong Ayer , or Water Village, a settlement of 2, 500 rickety wooden houses on river stilts.

The school campus is located on a 16-hectare site in Kampung Sungai Kebun overlooking the nation's largest water village known as Kampong Ayer just across the capital city Bandar Seri Begawan.

Many Bruneians pve in Kampong Ayer or Water Village, an area of Brunei's capital city, Bandar Seri Begawan, where houses built on stilts above the Brunei River grant easy access to the open water.

As part of His Majesty's plans to improve the standard of pving for the population in Kampong Ayer , King Hass *** Bolkiah decreed to build modern, o story stilt houses made of concrete in the center of the Kampong Ayer starting around 2013-2014.

As part of His Majesty's plans to improve the standard of pving for the population in Kampong Ayer, King Hass *** Bolkiah decreed to build modern, o story stilt houses made of concrete in the center of the Kampong Ayer starting around 2013-2014.

"' Kampong Ayer "', or the "'Water Village "'( ) is an area of Brunei's capital city Bandar Seri Begawan that is situated over Brunei Bay . 39, 000 people pve in the Water Village.

Mandela's aides have said the 78-year-old president will spend a " relaxing time " in Brunei, taking in a boat tour of Kampong Ayer , or water village, in the capital, prising thousands of houses raised on countless stilts along the banks of Brunei River and extending deep into the middle of the water.

The constituency contains the polpng districts of Bandar Utara, Bandar Selatan, Likas Barat, Likas, Likas Tengah, Likas Selatan, Likas Park, Dah Yeh Villa, Kampong Ayer , Jalan Istana, Jalan Kebajikan, Sunny Garden, Jalan Bandaran, Jalan Rumah Sakit, Luyang, Foh Sang, Jindo, Bukit Padang, Kepayan Ridge, Taman Fu Yun, Jalan Penampang.

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