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be prepared for造句

发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-05 07:53



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 10:19

be prepared for可以用以下造句:

1、Watch out for dangers and risks. Before sailing, navigators study the course and record the location of lighthouses so as to be prepared for situations where suspicions may arise.

2、You must be prepared for disillusionment.

3、Just be prepared for the long lines.

4、Hope for the best but be prepared for the worst.

5、You ought to be prepared for some unpleasantness .

6、We must always be prepared for every contingency.

7、You really may be stuck on your own for a couple of days and should really be prepared for that.

8、To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace.

9、They said the cancer was inoperable and I should be prepared for chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

10、Two minutes should be prepared for the bell, which requires students to pause after prepared lesson learning tools, and take correct school teachers to meet.

11、Only when you put down the noisy mood and be prepared for everything, will everything be done.

12、There will surely be some discomfort arising from these circumstances, and I ask that you be prepared for this eventuality.

13、However, they must be prepared for the above resolution to go into effect, for it is unalterable.

14、People can learn to be lazy in order to be confused. People can learn to be stupid in order to be prepared for others.

15、We maintain that the proletarian party of any country should be prepared for two possibilities, one for peace and the other for war.

16、A financial advisor I know describes the reality of investing money by saying, "Hope for the best and be prepared for the worst."

17、But I'm confident that based upon what we see going on in the North, and all the contingencies that we need to be prepared for, we're prepared to react to those, us and the alliance.

18、They don't realize that the competition is getting keener and the required standards of work get higher and that their children may not be prepared for the change.

be prepared for造句

11、Only when you put down the noisy mood and be prepared for everything, will everything be done.12、There will surely be some discomfort arising from these circumstances, and I ask that you be prepared for this eventuality.13、However, they must be prepared for the above resol...


1.The doctors had to warn her, she must be prepared for the worst.大夫们不得不把情况告诉她,她必须做最坏的准备。(be prepared for后面主语一般是人)2.Lucy shows an interest in singing.露西对唱歌感兴趣。3.Lily is interested in cooking.(应该是interested而不是interesting,be interest...

be prepared to 和be prepare for 的区别

I'm not prepared to listen to your weak excuses. 我不想听你那站不住脚的借口。be prepared for sth.=get ready for sth.后面跟的是名词,意思是为……做好了准备,强调状态。They were prepared for the worst. 他们已准备好了应付最坏的情况。prepare 英 [prɪ'peə] 美...

请用the worst造句

1. Hope for the best but be prepared for the worst.抱乐观的希望,作最坏的准备。2. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. (proverb)往最好处着想,作最坏的打算(谚)。3. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.抱最好的愿望,作最坏的准备。4. Probably the worst e...

英语造句! 急!~~

6.(1)We must be well prepared for each battle.每次作战都要好好准备。(2)Glory to do sth 为做某事而自豪 7.Prepare for a game 打牌前的准备 8.(1)Making or tending to make divine 神化的使或倾向于使…神圣的 (2)In fair weather prepare for foul 宜未雨而绸缪。9.(1)...

英文 时态 造句 每种时态5个

The sport-meeting is going to be held next month.运动会将会在下个月举行。Our family is having a trip tomorrow.我们一家明天要去旅行。All will be prepared for the party.所有派对要用的东西都将会准备好。The cake will be ate up soon.蛋糕很快就会被吃光了。


battle造句如下:1.The soldiers prepared for battle, knowing that victory would require courage and strategy.(士兵们为战斗做好准备,知道取得胜利需要勇气和策略。)2.The two teams are gearing up for a fierce battle on the soccer field.(两个队伍正在备战,准备在足球场上展开一场激烈的...


6. be/get ready to do —They are ready to meet tomorrow's game (同上)—They got ready to die for the country. 他们愿意为国捐驱。7. without sb‘s help —Without your help, I can’t pass the exam. 没有你的帮助,我就不能通过这次考试。—He couldn’t succeed in the ...


3. He said he is 'willing to provide every piece of information' but declined to discuss details.他表示他愿意提供每一条信息,但拒绝了讨论细节。4. Once a case discussion begins, be prepared to provide constructive input as the class works together to address the issues of the ...


20 she has prepared for dinner他已经准备好晚饭了 21 同上 22 the environment will be more terrible in the furture将来环境会变得更糟 23 you do not have to win the first place 你不需要得第一。24.I hope that you shall write back soon 我希望你尽快给我回信 25 how to keep fit?

get prepared for ready prepared区别 preparedfor be well prepared prepared for什么意思 prepared to do prepare oneself be preparing for be prepared with
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