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发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-01 09:52



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 12:02



The world today is a very competitive place. Therefore, it is necessary to develop some skills to increase one’s chances of success. 

Many skills, for example, leadership, a second language, and technical skills such as computer programming, are very useful today. However, I believe that the most useful skill is the ability to communicatewell with others.

It is impossible to overstate the importance of good communication skills. In today’s society we have to work cooperatively with others. A good communicator finds it easier to put forth his ideas clearly. 

In this way there will be fewer misunderstandings, which can lead to bad feelings as well as lost time and effort. In addition, a person with good communication skills is a good mediator and negotiator. 

He or she can play a valuable role in resolving disputes and enhancing cooperation. This means that a good communicator is often a natural leader. Finally, with good communication skills, it is easier to persuade others to accept your point of view. 

Having your views and plans approved of by others is a vital step on the way to success.

For all the above reasons, it is my belief that strong communication skills are the most important to have. Good communication is important in all situations, so a skillful communicator will always be in high demand. From joozone.com.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 12:02

Effective Communication with Parents
Effective Communication with Parents
Effective communication with parents is crucial for building a strong relationship. Here are several ways to improve communication with your parents in English.
Firstly, it's important to create an open and respectful environment. Approach your parents with a positive attitude, making them feel valued for their opinions and ideas. Listen attentively, maintain eye contact, and give them your full attention. By showing care and respect, you can establish an atmosphere concive to effective communication.
Secondly, practice English regularly with your parents. Initiate conversations, whether it's sharing about your day or seeking their advice. This not only improves your English skills but also demonstrates your willingness to communicate with them in their preferred language
. Encourage your parents to respond in English and be patient if they need time to express themselves.
Additionally, seek opportunities to engage in activities that promote English communication. For example, suggest watching English movies or TV shows together and then discussing the plot or sharing your opinions in English. This creates a relaxed and enjoyable environment where English becomes a natural part of your conversations.
Lastly, leverage technology. There are many language-learning apps and online resources available that you can explore with your parents. Practice English vocabulary together, engage in language-learning games, or even have video calls with English-speaking friends or relatives. These activities make learning fun and create shared experiences that strengthen your bond with your parents.
By implementing these strategies, you can enhance your communication skills with your parents in English and strengthen your relationship. Remember, communication is a two-way process, so encourage your parents to actively participate and share their thoughts and feelings to establish genuine and effective communication.
The Importance of Communicating with Parents in English
The Importance of Communicating with Parents in English
Communicating with your parents in English is crucial for your learning and growth. Here are several reasons why communicating with your parents in English is beneficial.
Firstly, communicating with your parents in English can improve your English language skills. Engaging in conversations with your parents in English helps you become more familiar and confident with the language. You have the opportunity to practice oral expression and listening skills and learn new vocabulary and grammar structures through conversations with your parents. This will greatly benefit your ability to communicate in English in school and other English-speaking environments.
Secondly, communicating with your parents in English strengthens your bond with them. By communicating in English, you establish a closer connection with your parents. You can share thoughts and feelings, express your worries and joys, and have meaningful conversations. This intimate communication helps deepen understanding and trust between you and your parents, contributing to a stronger family relationship.
Furthermore, communicating in English with your parents develops your cross-cultural communication skills. In a globalized world, cross-cultural communication skills are becoming increasingly important. Through conversations with your parents, you gain a better understanding of their cultural background and values, and learn to respect and embrace different perspectives and customs. This equips you to communicate confidently and adapt in international and multicultural environments.
Lastly, communicating with your parents in English prepares you for the future. English is an essential skill both academically and professionally. By engaging in English communication with your parents, you build a solid foundation for future communication with English speakers. This will be highly beneficial for your academic pursuits and career path.
In conclusion, communicating with your parents in English enhances your English language skills, strengthens your relationship, develops cross-cultural communication abilities, and prepares you for the future. So, don't hesitate, strive to communicate with your parents in English! It is a valuable opportunity for your learning and growth.
Tips for Facilitating English Communication with Parents
Tips for Facilitating English Communication with Parents
Communicating with parents in English may present some challenges, but the following tips can help facilitate better English communication with your parents.
Firstly, approach your parents with encouragement and support. They may not be fluent or confident in using English, so be patient and understanding. Avoid correcting their mistakes and instead encourage them to express themselves to the best of their ability. Acknowledge their efforts and help them better understand your intentions.
Secondly, use simple and clear language. Try to use simple words and sentences, avoiding complex grammar structures and specialized terminology. Express yourself in a straightforward manner that is easy for your parents to understand. You can use pictures, gestures, and real-life objects to help illustrate your point.
Additionally, create a pleasant and relaxed environment. By fostering a relaxed and positive atmosphere, make your parents feel comfortable and at ease. Choose appropriate timing and a quiet place, free from distractions and noise that could divert their attention. This way, your parents will be more able to focus and engage in your English conversation.
Moreover, utilize various resources for learning. Look for suitable resources for your parents to learn English, such as language-learning apps, online
courses, and textbooks. You can learn together and make progress as a team. Additionally, make use of family media resources such as English movies, TV shows, and music, as well as English reading materials such as newspapers, magazines, or storybooks. These resources can provide enjoyable learning experiences while increasing your parents' exposure to English.
Lastly, maintain consistent practice and encouragement. Communication is a skill that requires ongoing practice, so persevere. Encourage your parents to engage in frequent English conversations with you and provide positive feedback and encouragement. Share your progress and achievements to make them proud and spark their interest.
By adopting these tips, you can effectively facilitate English communication with your parents and enhance mutual understanding and closeness. Remember, communication is a two-way process, so encourage your parents to actively participate, share their thoughts and feelings, and together create a positive and meaningful dialogue environment.
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