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发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-29 10:50



热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 06:45

Chinese rice mplings are a traditional Chinese food
made of glutinous rice stuffed with different fillings and wrapped in bamboo leaves. They are cooked by steaming or boiling. Ingredients 3 cups glutenous rice 450 g mung be soaked overnight and shelled 175 g belly of pork 12 pcs chinese roast ck breasts (30mm square) 12 pcs chinese roast belly of pork (30mm square) 6 pcs. dried scallops 6 pcs chinese ham (30mm square) 12 salted ck egg yolks 6 dried shitake mushrooms 12 dried chestnut
soaked 1/2 cup dried lotus seeds
soaked 6 lotus leaves 12 large bamboo leaves seaweed for tying (string may be used) seasoning for rice 2 tsp salt 3 tbsp vegetable oil 1 tbsp sugar seasoning for mung be 2 tsp salt 1 tbsp sugar 1/8 tsp baking soda seasoning for belly of pork 3/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp chinese five spice powder Preparation Wash and clean glutenous rice and soak in boiling water for one hour. Drain and season. Wash and clean mung be and soak in boiling water. Drain when cool. Add seasoning. Soak dried shitake mushroom till soft. Remove stalk. Soak dried scallops till soft. Cut belly of pork into 12 thick slices and marinade for one hour. Soak lotus leaves and bamboo leaves in boiling water till soft. Drain. Trim stalk and 30mm base of leaves. Wrapping Use a 250mm square 150mm high lunch box as a mould. Place a lotus leave in the box and lay o pieces of bamboo leaves criss cross on top with ends projecting. Place one piece of mushroom in the middle
cap facing downwards. Add 1/2 cup glutenous rice to form the base. Add 1/4 cup mung be on top. Spread out on top in one layer the other ingredients
including 2 salted ck egg yolks
1 pc dried scallop
1 pc chinese ham
2 pcs roast ck breast meat
2 pcs roasted pork belly
1 pc pork belly
2 chestnuts and a few lotus seeds. Top with 1/3 cup mung be and cover with 1/2 cup glutenous rice. Fold the bamboo leaves over the filling followed by the louts leave tightly seams facing up. Unmould from box and tie up and secure with the seaweed or strings. Repeat the same procere for the other five mplings. Boiling Place the mplings in a soup kettle of at lease 6 to 8 litre capacity. Fill with water to cove all the mplings. Bring to a boil over high heat and boilng for four hours. Top up with boiling water if evaporation takes place. Unwrap to serve. May dip in sugar or oyster sauce as condiment.
use lotus leaf to wrap the rice
peanuts...inside and cook in water until well
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