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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-11 01:16



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 00:33

  1. or 或者; 2. either … or … 不是…就是… ,…或… ; 3. neither … nor … 既不…也不… ;  
  4. not only … but also … 不但…而且… ; 5. not … but … 不是…而是…  
  例如:主语1 or 主语2 谓语动词。 此时由主语2决定谓语动词。  
  10. _C_ either he or his accountants going to claim for the loss?  
  A Are B Where C Is D Does  
  如果题目改变为:Either he or his accountants ___ going … 则应选A  
  1. 集合名词做主语,集合名词没有复数形式,因为他本身就代表一个复数概念。  
  常见的几个复合名词: people 人民,人们; police *; cattle 牛; poultry 家禽。  
  2. 表示数量的复数名词 + 不可数名词,整体做主语时  
  例如:去年出口了八百万顿煤。 Eight million tons of coal were exported last year.  
  1. 句子的主语是由从句充当的、动词不定式短语作主语、动名词短语作主语;  
  2. 表示时间、重量、长度、价值四方面的词做主语;  
  399. -- “How many days?”  
  0 -- “Did you say that five days _C_ required to complete that work?”  
  A are B were C was D is  
  3. 表示单数概念的主语,短语,谓语动词,此时谓语动词也用单数;  
  with, together with, like, except, besides, in addition to, rather than, as well as  
  4. each, every, either, some, any, no,由以上六个词中任何一个所构成的复合代词作主语时;  
  some经常构成的三个复合代词:something, somebody, someone;  
  no经常构成的三个复合代词:nothing, nobody, no one; either of + 短语;  
  5. 通常由and连接两部分这种形式做主语谓语动词要用复数,但在以下两种情况下则应用单数;  
  1> and连接的两部分指的是同一事物;  
  2> and连接的两部分被no, each, every中任何一个词修饰时;  
  例如:每位男士和女士都要着装得体。 be supposed to do sth. 理应,应该做某事。  
  Every man and every woman is supposed to dress properly.  
  11. Many an airplane _B_ in the exhibition.  
  A are shown B has been shown C has shown D show them  
  many a(an) 很多,相当于many; many a(an) + 可数名词单数,做主语时谓语动词用单数。  
  6. many a (an) + 可数名词单数,作主语时谓语动词用单数。  
  9. Not only Joan but her sisters _B_ the combination to the safe which contains the list of the family securities.  
  A have known B know C knows D is knowing  
  not only … but also … 的一种变形形式,not only … but …  
  另一种变形形式not only … but … as well  
  combination n. 密码; combination to the safe 保险箱密码; securities有价证券。

  41. She ought to stop work; she has a headache because she _A_ too long.  
  A has been reading B had read C is reading D read  
  had read 过去完成时要与一般过去时搭配。  
  has been reading 现在完成进行时:指某行为从过去一点到现在一直在进行。  
  42. Niagara Falls is a great tourist _B_, drawing millions of visitors every year.  
  A attention B attraction C appointment D arrangement  
  tourist attraction 旅游胜地; attention n. 注意力; appointment n. 委任的职位,约会;  
  date n. 日期,约会,枣;表示约会时指的是异性之间的私人约会。 arrangement n. 布置,安排  
  blind date 两人第一次见面的约会。 appointment 指公事性质的,比较正式的约会。  
  43. I don't mind _B_ the decision as long as it is not too late.  
  A you to delay making B your delaying making  
  C your delaying to make D you delay to make  
  mind 后要加动名词; delay v. 耽搁,延误(后面也要加动名词)  
  45. Corn originated in the New World and thus was not known in Europe until Columbus found it _A_ in Cuba.  
  A being cultivated B been cultivated C having cultivated D cultivating  
  46. The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience _C_ on benches, chairs or boxes.  
  A having seated B seating C seated D having been seated  
  Be seated please. 请坐。 英语中只有及物动词才有被动语态。  
  47. This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen _B_ comfortably.  
  A is worn B wears C wearing D are worn  
  65. The coming of the railways in the 1830s _A_ our society and economic life.  
  A transformed B transported C transferred D transmitted  
  transform 改革,变革,改变; transport 运输; transfer 转移,移动;  
  transmit 传送,播送;疾病的传染,传播; transplant 移植。  
  48. Some diseases are _D_ by certain water animals.  
  A transplanted B transformed C transported D transmitted  
  49. Wouldn't you rather your child _B_ to bed early?  
  A go B went C would go D goes  
  would rather的两种用法:1 would rather + 动词原形;  
  2 would rather + 句子(句子谓语动词用一般过去时体现虚拟语气)。  
  50. Although Anne is happy with her success she wonders _B_ will happen to her private life. [wonder后面要加疑问词]  
  A that B what C it D this  
  51. The words of his old teacher left a _C_ impression on his mind. He is still influenced by them. [lasting adj. 持久的,永久的; liberal adj. 开明的,心胸开阔的]  
  A long B lively C lasting D liberal  
  52. Mike's uncle insists _D_ in this hotel.  
  A staying not B not to stay C that he would not stay D that he not stay  
  insist的两种用法:1 insist on … 坚持,坚决要求;  
  2 insist + that引导的从句(从句谓语动词为[should] + 动词原形)  
  53. We agree to accept _D_ they thought was the best tourist guide.  
  A whatever B whomever C whichever D whoever  
  they thought是插入语,可以不看; tourist guide 导游。  
  56. Although many people view conflict as bad, conflict is sometimes useful _C_ it forces people to test relative merits of their attitudes and behaviors.  
  A by which B to which C in that D so that  
  in that 因为; conflict n. 冲突; relative merits 相比较而言的优点; so that 以至于。  
  57. He is _A_ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.  
  A optimistic B optional C outstanding D obvious  
  optimistic adj. 乐观的; pessimistic adj. 悲观的; be optimistic about 对…持乐观态度。  
  optional adj. 随意的,任选的,非强制性的; optional courses 选修课;  
  outstanding adj. 卓越的,杰出的; obvious adj. 明显的。  
  58. Sometimes I wish I _B_ in a different time and a different place.  
  A be living B were living C would live D would have lived  
  59. The director was critical _C_ the way we were doing the work.  
  A at B in C of D with  
  be critical of 对...爱挑剔的,批评。  
  60. In a sudden _B_ of anger, the man tore up everything within reach.  
  A attack B burst C split D blast  
  within reach 够得着; out of reach 够不着; burst 爆发,迸发;  
  1 能与人的情绪(喜、怒、哀、乐)搭配; 2 能与掌声、笑声搭配。  
  61. _D_ she realized it was too late to go home.  
  A No sooner it grew dark than B Hardly did it grow dark that  
  C Scarcely had it grown dark than D It was not until dark that  
  no sooner在句首时句子要用部分倒装;hardly要与when搭配;scarcely也要与when搭配。  
  62. In Britain people _C_ four million tons of potatoes every year.  
  A swallow B dispose C consume D exhaust  
  swallow 吞,咽; dispose 去掉,处理,安排; consume 消费,消耗; consumer 消费者;  
  exhaust 将资源消耗殆尽;如果与人在一个句子中搭配则表示使人精疲力竭。  
  63. I'd _A_ his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community, and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.  
  A take into account B account for C make up for D make out  
  take into account 考虑; make up for 弥补,补偿。  
  65. She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it _D_ enough to eat.  
  A mild B slight C light D tender  
  mild adj. 不辣的; hot adj. 辣的; extra hot 极辣的;  
  light adj. 清淡的,容易消化的;蛋糕点心等松软的; muffin n. 松饼;  
  slight adj. 轻微的,少量的; tender adj. 肉嫩的。  
  steak n. 牛排;rare 三成熟的;medium 七成熟的;well-done 全熟的;medium rare 五成熟。  
  66. We take our skin for granted until it is burned _A_ repair.  
  A beyond B for C without D under  
  take sth. for granted 把什么事当成理所当然的而不重视; beyond prep. 超出 … 的范围。  
  67. The computer revolution may well change society as _C_ as did the Instrial Revolution.  
  A certainly B insignificantly C fundamentally D comparatively  
  certainly 当然的,确定无疑的(主观思想较浓厚); insignificantly 没有意义的,无足轻重的;  
  comparatively 相比较而言的; fundamentally 根本性的,从本质上来说。  
  68. _C_ in this way, the situation doesn't seem so disappointing.  
  A To look at B Looking at C Looked at D To be looked at  
  70. Some women _D_ a good salary in a job instead of staying home, but they decided not to work for the sake of the family.  
  A must make B should have made C would make D could have made  
  for the sake of为了… ;为了…的利益;  
  与过去事实相反时用:情态动词 + have + 动词过去分词;  
  should have + 动词过去分词,表示本应该…
  32. You cannot be _B_ careful when you drive a car.  
  A very B too C so D enough  
  cannot too 在…也不为过,越…越好。  
  34. Every man in this country has the right to live where he wants to _A_ the color of his skin. [regardless of 不管,不顾]  
  A regardless of B in the light of C by virtue of D with the exception of  
  35. Housewives who do not go out to work feel they are not working to their full _B_.  
  A strength B capacity C length D possibility  
  strength n. 力量,体力,实力; capacity n. 才能,才智(能力方面)。  
  38. The old couple decided to _C_ a boy and a girl though they had three of their own.  
  A adapt B bring C adopt D receive  
  39. The government is trying to do something to _D_ better understanding between the two countries.  
  A raise B increase C heighten D promote  
  promote better understanding 增进理解。  
  40. The newspaper did not mention the _A_ of the damage caused by the fire.  
  A extent B level C range D quantity  
  41. The soldier was _A_ of running away when the enemy attacked.  
  A accused B charged C scolded D punished  
  be accused of 被指控,被职责; be charged with 被指控。  
  42. Had he worked harder, he _D_ the exams.  
  A must have got through B could get through  
  C would get through D would have got through  
  had he worked harder (虚拟语气) = if he had worked harder …  
  与过去事实相反用:情态动词 + have + 动词的过去分词。  
  45. It seems oil _B_ from this pipe for some time. We'll have to take the machine apart to put it right.  
  A had leaked B has been leaking C leaked D is leaking  
  for + 一段时间,做时间状语,谓语动词用完成时态。过去完成时要与一般过去时搭配。  
  46. When he arrived, he found _C_ the aged and the sick at home.  
  A nothing but B none other C none but D no other than  
  形容词前加the表示一类人。 none but 只有,仅有。  
  47. The pressure _B_ causes Americans to be energetic, but it also puts them under a constant emotional strain.  
  A competing B to compete C to be competed D having competed  
  the right to vote 选举权。 动词不定式作后置定语要用主动形式。  
  the pressure to compete 竞争的压力。  
  49. As teachers we should concern ourselves with what is said, not what we think _C_.  
  A have to be said B must say C ought to be said D need to say  
  50. Once environmental damage _A_, it takes many years for the system to recover.  
  A is done B is to do C does D has done  
  51. Studies show that the things that contribute most to a sense of happiness cannot be bought, _B_ a good family life, friendship and work satisfaction.  
  A as for B such as C in case of D in view of  
  contribute to 对…做出贡献。  
  52. He will agree to do what you require _D_ him.  
  A for B from C to D of  
  require sth. of sb. 要求某人做某事。  
  53. The mere fact _A_ most people believe nuclear war would be madness does not mean that it will not occur.  
  A that B which C what D why  
  54. John seems nice person. _C_, I don't trust him.  
  A Even though B Therefore C Even so D Though  
  even so 即便如此,尽管如此。  
  55. I don't think it advisable that Tom _A_ to the job since he has no experience.  
  A be assigned B will be assigned C is assigned D has been assigned  
  advisable后面加句子要用虚拟语气,形式为:(should)+ 动词原形。  
  56. _D_, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor.  
  A Other things to be equal B Were other things equal  
  C To be equal to other things D Other things being equal  
  B项如果不省略if应为:If other things were equal  
  other things being equal 在这里是独立主格做条件状语。  
  57. _C_ that my head had cleared, my brain was also beginning to work much better.  
  A For B Since C Now D Despite  
  1 in that 由于,因为; 2 now that 既然,由于; 3 except that 除了…之外。  
  59. By 1929, Mickey Mouse was as popular _B_ children as Coca-Cola.  
  A for B with C to D in  
  be popular with + 人的群体 受…欢迎。  
  60. Because Edgar was convinced of the accuracy of this fact, he _A_ his opinion.  
  A stuck to B strove for C stuck at D stood for  
  be convinced of 深信,确信; stick to 坚持; strive for 力求,拼命争取。  
  Don’t strive for perfection. 不要凡是都力求达到完美状态。

  48. It’s no use _B_ me not to worry.  
  A you tell B your telling C for you to have told D having told  
  It's no use + 动名词。 动名词的复合结构,宾格(形容词性物主代词)+ 动名词。  
  52. If it _A_ too much trouble, I’d love a cup of tea.  
  A isn’t B wasn’t C weren’t D hadn’t been  
  56. She was glad that her success would ___ for the women who would follow.  
  A make things easier B make it easier C be easier D be easier to make  
  make for 导致,促成;朝某个方向前进,走向那里。  
  不要选有代词指代不明的选项。 A项中的things指的是境况,境遇。  
  60. We object _C_ punishing a whole group for one person’s fault.  
  A against B about C to D for  
  68. The newest satellite can _A_ a thousand telephone conversations and a color TV program at the same time.  
  A carry B extend C bring D take  
  carry vt. 传送,传输; extend vt. 延伸,延续(extend to 延伸到,延续到)。  
  fetch vt. 去拿来,去请来,去叫来; fetch water 打水。
  41. The grey building is where the workers live, and the white one is where the spare parts _B_. [spare parts零部件]  
  A are procing B are proced C proced D being proced  
  48. _A_ a teacher in a university, it is necessary to have at least a master's degree.  
  A To become B Become C One become D On becoming  
  master's degree 硕士学位; 当介词on后面加动词ing形式时表示时间概念“在…之后”。  
  49. The little man was _C_ more than one metre fifty tall.  
  A nearly B quite C hardly D almost  
  hardly more than 不足,不到。  
  36. The little man was _B_ one metre fifty high.  
  A almost more than B hardly more than C nearly more than D as much as  
  53. Medical care reform has become this country's most important public health _C_.  
  A question B stuff C matter D issue  
  matter 事物,事情; question 有疑而问,并且有待回答的问题;  
  questions and answers Q & A 问与答; issue n. 问题(强调的是*方面的问题)。  
  1999年前,台湾问题Taiwan issue;1999年后,台湾问题Taiwan question,态度转变。  
  60. If you don't like to swim, you _B_ stay at home.  
  A should as well B may as well C can as well D would as well  
  may as well 还是,到不如。  
  70. They are teachers and don't realize _A_ to start and run a company.  
  A what it takes B what takes it C what they take D what takes them  
  start and run a company 创立并经营一家公司。
  23. A healthy life is frequently thought to be _D_ with the open countryside and homegrown food.  
  A tied B bound C involved D associated  
  be involved with 牵涉,卷入; be associated with 与...相关,联系起来。  
  homegrown food 自家种的食品; wine 葡萄酒; house wine 自家的酒。  
  33. The traditional approach _A_ with complex problems is to break them down into smaller, more easily managed problems.  
  A to dealing B in dealing C dealing D to deal  
  approach n. 方式,方法; approach to + 动名词。  
  43. It's already 5 o'clock now. Don't you think it's about time _C_?  
  A we are going home B we go home C we went home D we can go home  
  it's about time后面加句子,要用一般过去时来体现虚拟语气。  
  44. Lightning is a _A_ of electrical current from a cloud to the ground or from one cloud to another. [Lightning n. 闪电]  
  A rush B rainbow C rack D ribbon  
  rush n. 冲撞,冲击,撞击; rainbow n. 彩虹,幻想; rack n. 支架,挂架;  
  ribbon n. 缎带,丝带,绒带。  
  46. I've already told you that I'm going to buy it, _A_.  
  A however much it costs B however does it costs much  
  C how much does it cost D no matter how it costs  
  however在这里不表示转折,而是句子的引导词,这种情况下它相当于:no matter how。  
  47. New York _A_ second in the proction of apples, procing 850,000,000 pounds this year. [rank 排名,名列第几,强调名列前茅;Big Apple 纽约]  
  A ranked B occupied C arranged D classified
2023年辽宁高考399分能报哪些公办大学 额头有杂音是什么意思啊 ...反应也不是一般的迟钝,胆子还越来越小,叫我的声音稍大就会被吓... 2022天津理工大学各省录取分数线 ...一个是个胖子 一个是个小矮子 一个是个黄头发的男人 一个是个穿... 我是河南理科女今年考了545 报考天津理工大学一本希望大不?二本专业... ...一个是个胖子 一个是个小矮子 一个是个黄头发的男人 还有一个是个... 有个手机游戏 图标就是一个黄头发的人背着弓箭 游戏内容是两个人_百度... 我是男生从小就怕那些动物,比如青蛙,觉得一想青蛙的皮肤就全身鸡皮疙瘩... ...不是昆虫总动员,其中片段是,一群昆虫被青蛙吃进肚子里,它们在里面... 蒸胡萝卜多长时间 纪念意义的礼物有哪些? 工伤上班后还能再请工伤假吗 工伤复发后病假怎么办 工伤员工伤情复发怎么休假的 电脑建盘怎么用拼音打月亮两个字 月亮这个词用五笔怎么打 252在风水上代表什么 252是什么意思爱情 年终员工自我评价范文 优秀员工自我评价范文10篇 员工自我评价范文【五篇】 梦见大年初一吃饼的预兆 梦见明天大年初一的预兆 梦见大年初一才知道年过了的预兆 女性下面异味怎么回事 下面有异味怎么办 牛蒡茶可不可磨成粉未 牛蒡怎么吃能治前列腺 干牛蒡是否可以打成粉直接用水冲服? 广州哪里学习德语比较适合高中生? 贵远贱近的意思是什么? 贵远贱近出处 “It was a little dog with a red ribbon tied in a bow on top of his head”中“tied”的词性是什么? 520听书网怎么听不了 海洋听书网怎么听不了 74听书网怎么播不出来 74听书网怎么播放不出来了 听书社怎么不能用了 含惊蛰的诗句 辛未的拼音狐辛未的拼音是什么 齐希恩这个名字能打多少分 五辛的拼音狐五辛的拼音是什么 沈亚之《秦梦诗三首。别穆公》原文及翻译赏析 八段锦怎么做 归可以组什么四字成语 练八段锦的正确姿势 岩泉是什么意思 炼铁炉的解释炼铁炉的解释是什么 字表判断的文言文 为何“惊蛰吃梨”?