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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-10 12:03



热心网友 时间:2023-07-05 07:31

What is it in the box?

热心网友 时间:2023-07-05 07:31

What's in the box.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-05 07:32

What's this in the box?

热心网友 时间:2023-07-05 07:32

What's in the box

热心网友 时间:2023-07-05 07:33

What is in the box?

What is it in the box?

翻译英语句子 急急急急急急!!!

You ought to go to school Picture a what? There is a lamp Please do exercise one We are in class six, grade seven As I read these words Your answers in your exercise book to write Here are two photo of my friends Welcome to our school The doors and windows are clean, t...


1: 一天蚊子跟螳螂去偷看一女的洗澡,蚊子很自豪的说:看,十年前我在她胸前叮了两口,现在肿的这么大了;螳螂不服气的说,那有什么,我十年前在她两腿间劈了一刀,至今还每个月都在流血……2: 有位穷书生发奋读书,就在自己的房门前写下对联以自励,上联是:‘睡草屋闭户演字’,下联是:‘卧脚塌弄笛声腾’,...

英语翻译 用括号里面的词组翻译句子,在线急等谢谢了!

1.John finally pay off his debts though hard work.2.The queen broke the precedent to let her child to go to common school.3.I have the sence that he is lieing even thought I don't know why.4.It is essential to eat well and have a lot of exercise if you want to liv...


1、How much coca are we in need of in this evening meeting?2、How much pork and ham should we buy?3、I think it is enough if there are four kilograms for each kind.4、Do you still want to travel/go to what places(或者直接用where)?5、How many flowers does she ...


1: this shop price too high 2: the weather is very good, it is 3: it's foolish of you to do so 4: the seat to the touch soft and comfortable 5: wait until the rain stops me to walk again 6: in class, we should pay attention to what the teacher 7: I grew up ...


2. A book holds a house of gold.书中自有黄金屋 3. Crows everywhere are equally black.天下乌鸦一般黑 4. Dream different dreams while on the same bed.同床异梦 5. Even a hare will bite when it is cornered.兔子急了会咬人 6. Have a mouth as sharp as a dagger, but a ...


ill只能做表语不能做定语而sick既能做表语又能做定语 比如一个病人可以说a sick man而不能说an ill man!例如: He is ill/sick.他病了。He is a sick man.他是个病人。Maybe和Perhaps的用法大概相同,在句前 ,都表示假设“可能,也许”的意思 例如:Maybe you are right.= Perhaps you are ...


1 traffic light you come to the corner, you will see on your left at the junction of 2 through huts, along the path beside the river 3 He has been moving forward, and then turn right to enter a hotel 4 traffic lights you come to, after the blame will be able to see ...


useless things.3. I can hardly stand sharing an office with Peter.4.It would be better if we were more aware of the customs in the country.5. We left in such a hurry that we forgot to lock the door..请及时采纳,不懂继续问( 天天在线 )(*^__^*) 祝学习进步! 谢谢!

盒子里面是什么英语怎么说 盒子的英语怎么说 盒子用英语怎么写 盒子里面有什么英语 在盒子下面用英语怎么写 铅笔盒用英语怎么说 看见盒子英文怎么说 电脑用英语怎么说 面包用英语怎么说
...新南站到郑州市东明路和纬五路交叉口的肿瘤医院,最少转乘,大概多长... 合肥济民肿瘤医院到合肥汽车南站怎么坐公交车? 合肥凤凰肿瘤医院下高铁后怎么走打的大概要多少钱 什么是爱情,我又迷糊了!哎…… 三个月宝宝拉绿便便怎么回事 GB/T276-1994 圆柱滚子轴承 6311-2rs/z1 这个型号各字母所代表的意思... 6208轴承最高限速多少 为什么我在电脑上下载的photoshop软件都是花钱的,要不打不开。怎么才 ... 6204轴承是什么类型的轴承? 爱情天梯是真的吗 一个女人说做个美梦、我家有个好老公什么意思? 盒子的英语 十种美梦解读你的爱情运势 比盲订低近2万!江铃大道预售价11.38万-17.48万 牛津大学的妇女和生殖健康学院课程简介 保险效力终止什么意思 淘宝【报名记录审核不通过,商品进入终结状态】,什么意思 领导是不是一语双关还是我想多了 ...是我的领导,可工作中老关注我老看我,他到底是什么 怎么看待工作上回复领导,关我什么事的员工? 借了网贷能去移动公司上班吗 lol嘲讽恐惧效果有什么作用? 上海通用汽车牌子是什么意思啊? 可售地上海车什么意思? 素字取名男孩有寓意属牛最搭的名字有哪些? 素的五行属性是什么 男女之间qn是什么意思? 请大家帮忙解读一下磁共振MRI的检验报告单是写的什么意思?为什么? 请问这张磁共振报告单是什么状况!问题大吗? 我们看磁共振报告是图片,而医生在电脑滚动鼠标可以看到磁共振图像gif... 石塑地板海关编码,税号是什么 石塑地板的含义 s912地板是什么 升级包与安装包有什么区别 校验升级包是什么意思 sit是什么意思?中文该怎样理解呢,快来学习一下吧 请教: sit 与seated的区别 call期权, put期权是什么意思? 黑带的真正意义 深圳市联银科技发展有限公司电话是多少? 武术界里面所指的黑带是什么意思 深圳市嘉联银科技有限公司怎么样? 度生活是什么意思 cad小半个区域不显示? 在家庭生活中经常说到的“度”实际上是电能的单位,在物理学中,能量的国... 在家庭生活中经常说到了多少度电的“度”实际上是___的单位,1度=... 丁琴琴这个名字好听吗 梦见别人炒菜做饭 2012年到2014年参加的企业职工医疗保险显示作废是怎么回 voa常速英语是什么 有什么用