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龟兔赛跑新编英文版 50个词以内 三分钟之内作答!急!!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-01 12:04



热心网友 时间:2024-01-08 21:48

自从兔子输给乌龟后,一直耿耿于怀,最后它决定再次像乌龟挑战。 Since the rabbit after losing to the tortoise, has been brooding, like a turtle finally decided to challenge it.

这一天,阳光明媚,万里无云,清晨,兔子一大早儿就起床了,它急匆匆的进行了洗漱,洗漱完毕后,连饭都没来得及吃就一溜烟直奔乌龟家。 The day was bright and cloudless, early morning, the rabbit children got up early in the morning, it was rushed to wash, after wash, even had time to eat dinner no turtle on the home straight and ran quickly.

到了乌龟家后,兔子说:“龟兄,上次比赛我输了,但是这次我是不会再输了!”兔子语气坚定的说,“这一次?”乌龟疑惑不解的问,兔子说:“对!就是这一次,实不相瞒,我今天就是特意前来向你挑战的!”乌龟听完兔子的来意后,心想:“兔子这次来势汹汹,如果我不答应,大家肯定会笑话我,可是反过来,我如果答应了,必定会失去冠军的宝座。”最后,乌龟碍于面子,接受了兔子的挑战。 To the turtle family, the rabbit said: "Turtle brother, I lost the last game, but this time I will not lose a!" Rabbit firm tone, said, "this time?" Asked the puzzled turtle, rabbit said: "! that this time, really not Xiang Man, I came to you today is to deliberately challenge!" turtle, after listening to the rabbit had come, thinking: "This rabbit menacing, if I do not agree, we certainly would laugh at me, but, in turn, if I agreed, will lose the championship throne. "Finally, the turtle because of the face, accepted the challenge of rabbits.

第二天,乌龟和兔子都在努力训练,可是等到第三天,大家都只有看到兔子在努力训练的身影却没看见乌龟,于是大家四处找乌龟,终于在半山腰的小树丛里找到了乌龟。 The next day, the tortoise and the hare are hard, but wait until the third day, we all only see a rabbit in the efforts to train the figure Quemei see turtles, so we looked for the turtle, and finally in the hillside of a small bush to find a turtle .

乌龟正在那里睡懒觉呢,大家见了都感到非常疑惑,就问乌龟:“乌龟,人家兔子正在努力呢,你怎么在这边睡起懒觉来了?”谁知乌龟却说:“我一定能赢,请大家拭目以待吧!”说完,又回头睡懒觉的了。 It is where the turtle sleep late, we met with are very puzzled and asked the turtle: "Turtle, Rabbit people are trying to do, how do you come in here Shuiqi Lanjue?" Behold the turtle said: "I will win Let us wait and see! "finished, then back up late the.

比赛那一天悄悄来临了,这一天,动物体育馆的站台上站满了人,比赛前几个小时,狐狸就和大熊展开了激烈的辩论,一方执着的支持乌龟,一方则坚定的支持兔子,狐狸说:“肯定是乌龟赢 ,我保证他百分之百的练就了一身神功!”而大熊立即反驳道:“那只不过是乌龟在虚张声势罢了,最后肯定是兔子赢!”两人你一言,我一语,毫不相让,最后,大熊大手一挥,说:“我赌十森林币。”狐狸也不甘示弱,说:“谁怕谁!我也赌十森林币。” Competition day arrived quietly this day, animal sports on the platform was full of people, a few hours before the game, the fox and the Bear in a fierce debate, a party dedicated to support turtle, one is strong support for rabbits, foxes said: "The turtle is definitely win, I guarantee he's trained to have a magic 100%!" The Bear immediately retorted: "That's just the turtle bluff fills the last rabbit is definitely win!" a word both you and I words, not to give way, finally, Bear big waved his hand and said: "I bet 10 coins forest." fox to be outdone, said: "Who is afraid! I bet 10 coins forest."

这时,喜鹊飞过来说:“比赛开始啦!比赛开始啦!”顿时,两人结束争执,都扭头专心看比赛。 At this time, magpies fly and said: "The race started it! Start of the race it!" Suddenly, the two end of the dispute, have turned to concentrate on watching the game.

只见兔子和乌龟都雄赳赳,气昂昂的站在在各自的跑道上,只听发令*“砰”的一声响,兔子便像离弦的箭一样冲了过去,而乌龟则连滚带爬,速度虽然比以前快了点,但照样赶不上兔子,气得狐狸大叫:“你这只可恶的乌龟,我可将家产全赌在你身上了,你给我跑快点,否则我把你给煮了!”可不管狐狸怎样叫都无济于事,最后还是兔子赢了,兔子高兴得跳了起来。 Saw hare and the tortoise are dominant, in high spirits standing in their respective track, just listen to the starting gun, "bang" of a sound, the rabbit will be washed like an arrow, like the past, and turtles are scratching and scrambling, speed Although the point faster than before, but still can not keep up the rabbit, fox angrily shouted: "You only damn the turtle, I can bet all possessions on you, you gave me to run quickly, or I put you to cook a! "can no matter what Fox called to no avail, finally won the rabbit, the rabbit jumped with joy.

Background to watch happy bunny, turtle deeply regret it.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-08 21:48

One day, the rabbit got two little planes from his friend. He asks to the turtle: “ Hi, turtle. I have two planes, I can fly.Do you want to have a race again?” “OK, I will beat you.”The turtle says.
Many animals are watching. “Three ! Two! One! Go!” Bird says. The rabbit and the turtle fly to the end.Suddenly, the rabbit’s plane is broken and begin to fall down. And he cry: “ Help, help.”The turtle flys to the rabbit and catch him quickly. “Oh, turtle, thank you so much. You are so kind.You safe me” ,the rabbit says.In the end,they become good friends.
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