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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-09 15:05



热心网友 时间:2022-07-09 16:34

ladies and gentlemen,
good afternoon.it is a great honor to make a speech here today.
first i would like to introce myself,my name is ,,,graated from Wuhan University of Technology.joined the corporation in august 2006 as a liaison consultant director in tianjin.in charge of ettiquette department.
there are10 supervisor in tianjin in charge of all consultant store purchase and consultant management.there are 195 full-time consultant in tianjin liaison department.i like our team very much for its cohesion and minitance.
at the first quarter in 2008,we completed the quarter purchasing task at 110 percent.fulfill 29% of the wholeyear purchasing plan.
Liaison Office is located in Tian jin, composed of Tang shan, Qin huang , Tang gu, Lang fang, and Jixian. Tian jin is the focus of the market.
In 2008 the key works are as following:
1. Ensure that sales tasks are completed, and achieve the balanced growth of brands.
2. Reasonable Dingbiandinggang by around 10 training and improve the overall quality of the consultants, build a strong sales force, upgrading stores and per capita yield per unit area yield.
3. The promotion of innovation and improve the quality of promotional activities.
4. There are stars in the quality of the consultant selection and enhance the work of consultants with the enthusiasm of the initiative and create a better performance.
Since I joined the BDF, "Si Bao Ri Hua" as I know is full of courage to break and go beyond. What I have on the future of the development is full of confidence to win. BDF provides us with a broader space for development, so that we have greater power and passion, but at the same time we also face more challenges. 2008, to China and the world, are filled with passion and challenging year, I believe the Olympic spirit will inspire me courage, with passion win the future, we are creating the glorious and brilliant and realizing the ideals of pride . Thanks!

热心网友 时间:2022-07-09 17:52

Leaders and my workmates:
Good afternoon! It my great honor to have a speech here today.
First of all i'd like to introce myself, my name is***, I graated from the Wuhan Technological University . I joined the company in August 2006 as an adviser in charge of liaison offices in Tian jin , in charge of the Etiquette Department.
There are 10 supervisorsin Tian jin, responsible for all the consultants stores in Tianjin's sales and consultant management. Tianjin liaison offices have 195 full-time consultants. Our team is full of cohesive force and combat strength, and I love our team ardently.
In the first quarter of 2008, we have completed 110% of quarter sales task, which is also 29 percent of the planned annual sales task.
Liaison Office is located in Tian jin, composed of Tang shan, Qin huang , Tang gu, Lang fang, and Jixian. Tian jin is the focus of the market.
In 2008 the key works are as following:
1. Ensure that sales tasks are completed, and achieve the balanced growth of brands.
2. Reasonable Dingbiandinggang by around 10 training and improve the overall quality of the consultants, build a strong sales force, upgrading stores and per capita yield per unit area yield.
3. The promotion of innovation and improve the quality of promotional activities.
4. There are stars in the quality of the consultant selection and enhance the work of consultants with the enthusiasm of the initiative and create a better performance.
Since I joined the BDF, "Si Bao Ri Hua" as I know is full of courage to break and go beyond. What I have on the future of the development is full of confidence to win. BDF provides us with a broader space for development, so that we have greater power and passion, but at the same time we also face more challenges. 2008, to China and the world, are filled with passion and challenging year, I believe the Olympic spirit will inspire me courage, with passion win the future, we are creating the glorious and brilliant and realizing the ideals of pride . Thanks!

热心网友 时间:2022-07-09 19:27

Leaders, Members:
Good afternoon! Very honored to speak here today.
The first self-introction, I called ***, graated from the Wuhan University of Technology, in August 2006 joined the company as an adviser in charge of liaison offices in Tianjin, in charge of the Department of etiquette.
Tianjin now a total of 10 supervisors, responsible for all the consultants stores in Tianjin's sales and consultant management. Tianjin liaison offices have 195 full-time consultants. Our team is very cohesive and combat strength, and I love our team.
08 in the first quarter, we completed 110% quarter sales tasks, the completion of the planned annual sales of 29 percent.
Liaison Office in Tianjin, from Tianjin, Tangshan, Qinhuang, Tanggu, Langfang, Oita several points of Jixian, Tianjin, is the focus of the market.
08 of the core work of the following:
1. To ensure that sales tasks are completed, the achievement of balanced growth brand.
2. Reasonable Dingbiandinggang by around 10 training and improve the overall quality of the consultants, build a strong sales force, upgrading stores and per capita yield per unit area yield.
3. The promotion of innovation and improve the quality of promotional activities.
4. There are stars in the quality of the consultant selection and enhance the work of consultants with the enthusiasm of the initiative and create a better performance.
Join the BDF, let me see a courage to break, to go beyond the Po, silk, silk-What I have on the future of the development is full of confidence to win. BDF provides us with a broader space for development, so that we have greater power and passion, but at the same time we also face more challenges. 2008, to China and the world, are filled with passion and challenging year, I believe the Olympic spirit will inspire me courage, with passion win the future, we are creating the glorious and brilliant and realizing the ideals of pride . Thanks!

热心网友 时间:2022-07-09 21:18

Hello, everybody:
Good afternoon! It's an honor for me to speak here today.
Let me first introce myself. My name is ***, graated fromWuhan University of Technology. In August 2006 I joined the company as an director adviser of liaison offices in Tianjin, in charge of the Department of Etiquette.
now there are 10 supervisors altogether in Tianjin, responsible for marketing and consultant management of all consulting stores in Tianjin. Tianjin liaison office has 195 full-time consultants. Our team is very cohesive and strong and I love our team very much.
In the first quarter of 2008, we completed 110% sales tasks, accomplishing 29% of the annual sales.
Liaison Office in Tianjin consists of branches in Tianjin, Tangshan, Qinhuang, Tanggu, Langfang, and Town Qi, with its focus market in Tianjin.
Following is the core work in 2008:
1. Ensure that sales tasks are completed and achieve balanced growth of different brands.
2. Reasonably allocate personnel,posts, improve the overall quality of the consultants through "One Trains Ten", build a strong sales group and improve the overall quality of the consultants,,upgrade store unit yield and per capita yield.
3. Innovate the promotion methods and improve the quality of promotional activities.
4. Hold selection for star consultants to enhance the work enthusiasm and initiative of consultants, and create a better achievement.
After joining the BDF, I see a Sibao Daily that is courageous to break, to go beyond. I have full confidence that BDF is going on successful development. BDF provides us with such a broader space for development, so that we have great power and passion, and at the same time we also face more challenges. The year of 2008 is a year full of passion and challenges to China and the world. I believe the Olympic spirit will inspire me to march onward bravely, to win the future with passion, to create our own honor and glory and to realize the proudest ideals. Thanks!
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