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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-26 09:39



热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 09:10

A terrible dead hour, a rents the car driver central drive in the empty street.At this time, a young lady burst upon central in the street, the driver signed the horse to stop down.The lady sits into the car:" please to the crematory!"The driver get a fright, but say still and meticulously:" good...... Good of." the driver conjectured this lady from the reflection mirror, the facial expression is pale, face without the facial expression, the hair 蓬 disorderly, as skinny as a stick, the eye is surprising and withered. arrived the crematory, the lady is breathed to openned the door to get off, the driver detection, she was missing suddenly!.......... the driver just prepared to leave urgent, a pair of bloody hands appear at the car window front......"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" the driver shout loudly....." Sir......" spread the weak voice of this lady suddenly" hereafter please don't park the drain to the car flank, good?"

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 09:11

A terrible dead hour, a rents the car driver central drive in the empty street.At this time, a young lady burst upon central in the street, the driver signed the horse to stop down.The lady sits into the car:" please to the crematory!"The driver get a fright, but say still and meticulously:" good...... Good of." the driver conjectured this lady from the reflection mirror, the facial expression is pale, face without the facial expression, the hair 蓬 disorderly, as skinny as a stick, the eye is surprising and withered. arrived the crematory, the lady is breathed to openned the door to get off, the driver detection, she was missing suddenly!.......... the driver just prepared to leave urgent, a pair of bloody hands appear at the car window front......"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" the driver shout loudly....." Sir......" spread the weak voice of this lady suddenly" hereafter please don't park the drain to the car flank, good?"我快升了算握
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