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sugar balance怎么样

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 14:47



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 21:35

Chromium: Proof it Can Reverse Diabetes, Aid Weight Loss and More

If there was undeniable proof that a nutrient reced hunger, cut cravings for sugar, helped you lose weight, prevented and reversed diabetes and improved your mood, with no possible toxicity, would you take it? Well there is and that nutrient is the mineral chromium.

Chromium works by improving sensitivity to insulin, which in turn reces appetite, energy dips and sugar and fat cravings, thereby helping weight loss. That’s the conclusion of a recent study published in the journal Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics.(1)

Insulin resistance is thought to affect one in four non-obese people in Britain, and the vast majority of overweight people. But chromium has been found to be so effective at improving insulin sensitivity that it’s given to diabetics, with amazing results – in some studies it has even reversed diabetes.

A low dietary intake of chromium is associated with an increased risk for Type-2 diabetes. The average diet provides about 30mcg, and the more refined the food choices, the lower the chromium intake as it’s found in whole foods. Even with a good diet, you’re unlikely to eat more than 60mcg. That’s a tenth of what’s needed to impact diabetes.

For example, a study in 1999 followed over 800 diabetics who were taking insulin or diabetes drugs.(2) Patients were given 500mcg chromium per day for ten months, resulting in a major improvement in both fasting blood-sugar levels and blood-sugar levels after meals. Some 90% of patients also experienced decreased diabetic symptoms, including fatigue, thirst and frequent urination.

A recent review of over 40 randomised controlled trials published in Diabetes Care found that giving Type-2 diabetics chromium improved their fasting blood sugar levels and also decreased glycosylated haemoglobin levels, which is the best long-term measure of blood sugar balance.(3) The most impressive effects were seen with doses of 400-1000mcg per day. Despite this level being about ten times higher than you’ll get from a so-called well balanced diet, chromium has no toxicity or side-effects at these doses (10,000mcg is toxic), other than better energy and weight control. (4)

Chromium is also excellent for sufferers of ‘atypical’ depression. It’s a strange name for a type of depression associated with excessive sleepiness, carb cravings and weight gain – and thought to account for up to 40% of depression cases. In a double-blind study published in Biological Psychiatry, ten patients suffering from atypical depression were given 600mcg of chromium daily, and five others a placebo, for eight weeks, with dramatic results.(5) Seven of the ten taking chromium showed a big improvement, as opposed to none on the placebo. A larger trial in 2005 at Cornell University in the US, involving 113 participants, mirrored these findings. After eight weeks, 65% of those taking chromium experienced a major improvement, compared to 33% on placebos.(6)

Most studies showing improvements in glucose control have used over 400mcg a day, although improvements in insulin sensitivity occur in people taking just 200mcg a day. Chromium supplements usually contain 200mcg, but in relation to diabetes, a daily intake of 400 to 600mcg is more likely to be effective. I’ve not found it necessary to have more than this. I recommend taking chromium in the morning and at lunch, as it can be over-stimulating if taken in the evening.





胰岛素抵抗在英国被认为是影响每四个非肥胖的人之一和绝大多数超重的人。但铬被认为是有效改善胰岛素敏感性,它给糖尿病患者以惊人的结果 – 有些研究甚至认为它可逆转糖尿病。




(3)最近一篇发表在糖尿病护理的40项随机对照试验发现,给2型糖尿病患者铬改善他们的空腹血糖水平,并降低糖化血红蛋白水平,这是最好的长远措施让血糖平衡。剂量400-1000mcg每天比正常饮食高出约10倍,但铬在这些剂量(10,000微克的铬是有毒的)是没有毒性或副作用。 比起其他更好。

(4)铬对“非典型”抑郁症的患者也非常适合。这是一个陌生的名字,这类抑郁症伴有过度嗜睡,对碳水化合物的渴望和体重增加。 这类郁症在抑郁症中高达40%。在一项发表在生物精神病学的双盲研究中,给予10个患非典型抑郁症患者日服600mcg铬,其他五个安慰剂,八个星期后,戏剧性的结果发生了。



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