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热心网友 时间:2023-11-23 22:56

According to the Uruguay Round's "Agreement on Textiles and Clothing" (Agreement on Textile and Clothes, abbreviations ATC), from January 1, 2005, WTO member states have been formally abolished all restrictions on textile quotas, which marks the textile and apparel instry has entered a free trade in the new era, it also implies that textile and apparel trade is no longer retained as a special exception merchandise trade restrictions, the textile and garment instry usher in a "post-quota era."
With the global textile and garment trade quota abolished, a global employment and wealth migration has been kicked off. The world's largest textile and garment procer and exporter in China, on the one hand, as the global textile and garment trade the advent of the post-quota era, the development of the textile and garment export prospects will be even brighter; On the other hand, China's textile apparel procts in the main export markets of textile and apparel procts have higher environmental performance requirements of the developed countries, China's textile and apparel procts exported in great quantities will be developed similar procts procers a strong challenge, it is highly developed incurred protector of dissatisfaction with the trade, the development of China's textile and garment instry is facing major challenges. Therefore, the developed countries in the face of the Green Trade reasonable and unreasonable regulation green trade protectionism, China's textile and garment instries how to upgrade their international competitiveness of the green will be a major topic.
At present, the joint efforts of all countries in the world, is graally moving international trade liberalization development, but also green barriers have graally evolved into a not ignore the non-tariff trade barriers. It should be noted that although a green barriers hinder the development process of global trade liberalization, developing countries restricting economic development, and hindered exports from developing countries trade negative side, but green trade barriers from another reflection of the consumers of the "green" procts consumer trends, reflecting the proction, dealers of the world is called "green wave" of a positive response, therefore, the rules of the WTO, it is to be protected and encouraged. In face of this trend, China's textile and garment instry should take active measures to consolidate and enhance China as a global textile and apparel goods proction and export country status.
This paper first on the textile and garment instries green barriers to a comprehensive exposition, and then a comprehensive analysis of the impact of green barriers, in this basis, and the author of the international competitiveness of green Evaluation System on China's textile and garment instries of the evaluation, analysis China's textile and apparel instry, the status, which shows that China deal with green barriers on the importance of this paper is a major part of the effective use of the national competitive advantages of China's textile and garment instries enhance the international competitiveness of Green possibility and necessity, Green upgrade the international competitiveness of the main obstacles, as well as upgrade the international competitiveness of green measures a comprehensive exposition of China's textile and garment enterprises for passive situation changes, effective upgrade of China's textile apparel instry to help the competitiveness of green.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-23 22:56

According to Uruguay round "Textile And Clothing Agreement" (Agreement
on Textile and Clothes, condenses ATC), starts from January 1, 2005,
the WTO member nation already officially removed the complete textile
quota restriction, this symbolized the textile clothing profession
entered the free trade new times, simultaneously also meant the
textile clothing trade no longer took one kind of exceptional
commodity retained the special restraint of trade measure, after the
textile clothing instry welcomes "the quota time". Along with the
global spinning and weaving clothing trade quota cancellation, a
global employment and the wealth big migration already began the
prologue. The first big textile clothing proction country and
exports country's regarding the world in China to say, on the one
hand, after the global spinning and weaving clothing trade quota time
approaching, the prospects for development which the textile clothing
exports can be brighter; On the other hand, because our country
spinning and weaving clothing proct mainly exports the market in to
have a higher request to the textile clothing proct environmental
protection performance the developed country, the our country textile
clothing proct massive exportation will form the powerful challenge
to the developed country similar proct procer, will be extremely
easy the trade protector's disaffection which will incur the developed
country, the Chinese spinning and weaving clothing instry
development faced with the great challenge. Therefore, when faces the
developed country reasonable green trade rules and regulations and the
unreasonable green trade protectionism, how will the Chinese spinning
and weaving clothing instry be supposed to promote own green
international competition strength will be important issue. Presently,
in under the various countries joint effort, the international trade
graally is tending to the liberalized development, but
simultaneously the green barrier also graally evolves one kind of
noticeable non- customs ty trade barrier. Should see one side, the
green barrier although has hinders the global trade liberalization
development advancement, restricts the developing nation economy
development, hinders the developing nation export trade to be
negative, but the green trade barrier had reflected from another side
the consumer to "the green" the proct expense trend, had reflected
the proct procer, the dealer to the whole world raises "the green
tide" the positive response, therefore, in the WTO rule, it is
receives the protection and the encouragement. Facing this kind of
kind of tendency, our country spinning and weaving clothing instry
should adopt positive should to the measure, consolidates and enhances
China and exports the great nation as the global spinning and weaving
clothing proction the status. This article has first carried on the
comprehensive elaboration to the textile clothing profession green
barrier, then has comprehensively analyzed the influence which the
green barrier proces, above this foundation, the author has carried
on the appraisal using the green international competition strength
appraisal target system to our country textile clothing instry, has
analyzed the status which our country spinning and weaving clothing
instry locates, then explains our country to be supposed to the
green barrier importance; The this article main part is the effective
utilization country competitive advantage theory, to our country
spinning and weaving clothing instry promotion green international
competition strength possibility and necessary, the promotion green
international competition strength main barrier, as well as the
promotion green international competition strength measure has made
the comprehensive elaboration, transforms the passive aspect for the
Chinese spinning and weaving clothing enterprise, effectively promotes
the Chinese spinning and weaving clothing profession green competitive
ability to provide the help.
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