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英语作文 各位帮帮忙

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-06 12:47



热心网友 时间:2022-07-11 06:42

译文:Sunshine in My Life
"Modern life is very tired, walking down the street, eyes to see like a black and white world, people face is numb, people's behavior is monotonous, and even the language, have become indifferent. Lifethe competition does not seem to promote people struggle created by the batch pull the line of dolls. the pressures of life, air pollution, and difficult to combat, so that the dark blinded by ideal can not tell, can not tell a better life."
"No, not this is too pessimistic, color fills the world, how bright the flowers to bloom, you tried to jog? A breath of the morning earth fragrance, feel the dew's cool, enjoy the rising sunthe warmth of the people lost the fighting spirit of it? no, no. do not you find it? people from work to wash away the worries of the day, and began the colorful night life, night scene more beautiful, ah, that a great variety of neon in the streetflashes, like a big dance hall, a hard day people find happiness here, the release of the day's fatigue life is so beautiful, you lack the eyes of the discovery of life. "
Yes ah, yes I am too pessimistic, blinded eyes are not gray, but his refusal of colored glasses found. Took off his glasses, dazzling light to drive away the darkness of the heart, the flowers really bright, the air did not imagine dirty, people move briskly, life is really beautiful.
I want to learn Ah Q, despite his evil, even though he was a critical figure of Lu Xun described, but his spirit in this world should be promoted. Constant demand will erode people's feelings, the spirit of Ah Q to meet the the significance of the status quo, there are more important point, that is to make the spirit of self-comfort "things that the original could be worse."
Life may be full of surprises and challenges, but these can make the staid life is no longer calm, make you feel a deeper level of life. Only the wind is not afraid of thorns, it can effortlessly through it and are well preserved, what is not the wind, but the tenacious and hard work as a pair of scissors to cut off the thorns a cluster of a cluster of hands grab bloody, but in the end overcome the difficulty is not it? Life is beautiful, it's OK, though comes with some pain, but it does not make life difficult with people, it takes your hot heart.
In the hurried days gone by, to leave our noble thoughts and noble soul. Blame and hate can not give you anything, but it will also take away some of your things, pessimism and depression can not help you write lyrical prose, on the contrary will be sent life. Everyone to accept the baptism of the sun, we have the same thing, that is life. Life is not lack of beauty, missing only

热心网友 时间:2022-07-11 06:42

Father: Lily, are you free now?
Lily:no, dad. I am playing computer games, and it's so funny!
Father: my little sweetie, can you come to help me? it won't take you a lot of time.
Lily:but...well, why don't you ask my mother?
Father: Your mum is cleaning the garden. Let's move this table together, OK?
Lily:OK. wait for two minutes.I am coming!追问啊 谢谢 麻烦再写一下其他几个 拜托

热心网友 时间:2022-07-11 06:43


热心网友 时间:2022-07-11 06:43


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