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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 06:12



热心网友 时间:2023-05-31 01:52

在Linux终端中有时会用到字符拼图的情况,此时使用Textaizer 软件就非常棒了,此软件可以使用指定的符号来拼出某个图片或者是字符,使用非常方便,而且是free software,推荐一下。下面是该软件自带的简介说明。
extaizer Pro is a program to paint with text. With Textaizer Pro you can create pictures from text (text mosaic), text from from pictures (ASCII art) and make videoclips with ASCII art.

Possibilities with Textaizer Pro:
- build any picture (bmp, jpg) from text (text mosaic)
- make any text from scratch and using bitmaps (ASCII art)
- make videoclips with ASCII text art effects from video footage or multiple files
- free drawing of ASCII art, possibility to draw from a source picture for better resemblence
- text must be provided as a plain (ASCII) text file (e.g. via notepad)
- two view modes:
- follow the original wource color ('colorize'), where only colored areas a painted with text
- create a 3D or 'emboss' effect, allowing the entire text to be visible
- use a white rim around the source to create an artistic painting effect - also useful to avoid 'empty' lines in some results
- use any fontstyle and any fontsize you like
- multiple font (random font choice)
- automatic white space trimming (to create a better visual result)
- ASCII art creation
- creates text from pictures in any font
- saves the result in text file, ready for printing
- three image enhancement filters to optimize the picture before making a ASCII art of text mosaic
- (de)saturate, lighten/darken and contrast
- visualising by a preview window, thumbnail of the source and a full-screen viewer with zoom

Just sheer fun to make your favourite picture from text !

Maximum values & warnings
- maximum of 100,000 characters of unique text (if more is needed, it will start from the text-beginning again)
- no limit to the result bitmap, but be careful not to generate 400 Mb or more when large source files are chosen. Your system may not longer respond correctly when huge memory is needed for Textaizer Pro. APP Helmond cannot be held responsible for problems when Textaizer Pro is used. Textaizer Pro is guaranteed free of viruses, spyware and commercial nagware. Textaizer Pro is freeware.


Textaizer Pro can be downloaded from the APP Helmond homepage: http://www.mosaizer.com
For questions, bug reports and advice you can send an e-mail to sybren@mosaizer.com

Thank you for using Textaizer Pro.

热心网友 时间:2023-05-31 01:52

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