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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-02 04:29



热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 02:59

我的填空的格子是按照 提问者 的要求 填的哦..

1)They often clean their classroom after school.
Their classroom is often cleaned by them after school
2)A lot of people in China can speak English now.
English can be spoken by a lot of people in China
3)I have learned English for about two years.
English has been learned by me for about two years.
4)They will publish these stroy-books next month.
These stroy-books will be published by them next month.

We (think)(that)(nothing)(is)(difficult)if you put your heart into it。
Your father(should)(have)(had)his car(repaired)。
Our nation will get better and better, not to be worse.
Please let me to introce myself to you.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 03:00

1)their classroom often are cleaned by them after school.
2)English can be spoked by a lot of people in China now.
3)English have been learned by me for about two years.
4)these stroy-books will be published by them next month.

We (think)(that)(it)(is)(cheap)if you put your heart into it。
Your father(shoud)(have)his car(be)(repaired)。
the situation of our country is better,no worse.
please allow me to intrce myself to you all.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 03:00

1)Their classroom are often cleaned by them after school.
2)Englishcan be spoken by a lot of people in China now.
3)English has been learnt by me for about two years.
4)These stroy-books will be published by them next month.

We (believe)(that)(nothing)(is )(difficult)if you put your heart into it。
Your father(ought)(to)(get)his car(repaired)。
The situation of our country is getting better, rather than worse.
4) Let me give a brief self-introction to you please.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 03:01

1)Their classroom often been cleaned by them after school.
2) English can be spoken by a lot of people in China now.
3) English have been learned by me for about two years.
4) These stroy-books will be published by them next month.

1)don't think there are difficulties
2)should have had repaired
3)The situation of our country is better, not worse.
4)Let me introce myself to you ,please.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 03:02

Their classroom is often cleaned by them after school.
English can be spoken by a lot of people in China now.
English is learned by me for two years(奇怪的句子|||)
These story books will be published by them next month
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