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帮我用英语翻译这段话 急!!!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-02 11:25



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 11:58

my most respected friend,
不知道应该怎样跟您说 我知道您不愿意让我在这里住
I dont know how to tell you.but i know you are not willing to let me live here.
但是我实在是没有办法了 我也不愿意总是麻烦你
i really have no choice but i dont want to constantly trouble you
但是现在我真的没有地方住 我在那边的房子已经取消了
but now i dont have any places to live.i've cancelled my house there
我在科隆找了一个律师 可以帮我要回我的房子
i've found a lawyer in Cologne who can help me get my house back
并且说我有来杜塞尔多夫的探视权 是合法的
and he told me that i have legal visitation rights to come to Dusseldorf
现在律师正在帮我办理 但是在这期间 我必须等待 需要一个地址
now the lawyer is dealing with the matter for me. During this period,i have to wait and need a place to live.
有了消息以后 律师会寄信给我 现在我在这里等信 一有了答复
as soon as there is any news,my lawyer will send a letter to me
i'll show the letter to the administrator there
我留的地址是这边的 因为除此以外 我没有别的地方可以住
the address i have is in here,except that,i dont have any other places to live我在这边没有一个
i dont have any relatives and friends here,either.
亲人 也没有朋友 只能再次的麻烦您了
so i have to trouble again this time
您以前帮助了我很多 我都记在心里了 一辈子也忘不了您的恩情
you've helped me a lot,which i bear in mind for all my lifetime
只是我的语言能力差 又羞于表达
my speaking skill is very poor and i feel ashamed to express my feelings.
i can only put all my gratitude deep in my heart
我真的很想在您空闲的时候跟您说说话 喝杯咖啡
i really hope to have a coffee with you in spare time
或者做点好吃的菜 给您送去尝一尝
or do some delicious food to you
但是 看到您 我又不敢了
but,the moment i see you,i dare not.
im such a timid person
这次 我无奈之下又来求助于您
this time,i have no alternative but to turn to you.
i hope you can help me again get through this though time
您在我心里就像我的家人一样 您要是不帮我
you are already my family in my heart.
i you dont help me,i can only sleep in streets.
如果您还是愿意 可不可以帮我看看附近有没有便宜点的房子
would you please help me look for some cheaper departments nearby??
您的恩情 我不会忘记的
i wont forget your kindness
等我有了能力 我会不惜所有来报答您
i will spare no effort to repay you if my situation gets better.
如果还是不可以的话 那我就只能走了
but if you are not willing to do so,i have to leave
because i dont want to see you feel awkward for me.
看到您为我的事情为难 我心里会更加的难过
i feel extremely sorry to have troubled you so much.
yours sincerely,
forever chinese friend

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 11:59

For the most respected you

Don't know how you say I know you don't willing to let me live here
But I was no way I would always trouble you
But now I really have no place to live in my house there has been canceled
I find a lawyer in cologne can help me going back to my house
And I have to say the visitation Dusseldorf is legal
Now, lawyers are dealt with in this for me, but I must wait need a address
After a lawyer would send me a letter here now, I have a reply
I took my letter to find our administrator
I leave the address is here because I had no place else besides can live without a kinsman in here, I also have no friends can again the trouble you
Your help me a lot before I have in mind the you never forget your kindness
Just my language ability and to communicate
Gratitude can all heart
I really want to in your spare time to talk with you drink a cup of coffee
Or do something delicious dishes for you to try it
But to see you again, I dare not
This is a timid person
This time I am helpless under again to turn to you
Hope you can help me to read
You in my heart, just like my family if you don't help me
I can only go to sleep avenue
If you can help me to look around the house is cheaper
I will never forget your kindness
I have the ability to repay you all I do

If you still can't words that I can walk
Because I don't want to see you so embarrassed
For I see that you will be more difficult I was sad
Your forever Chinese friend

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 11:59

Do not know what to tell you I know you do not let me live here
But I really have no other way I do not want to trouble you always
But now I really have no place to live in my house there has been canceled
I find a lawyer in Cologne you can help me go back to my house
And that I have come to Düsseldorf is legal right of access to
Now lawyers are to help me go through this period, but need an address I have to wait
With the news after the Law Society wrote to me here so now I have a reply to a letter
I took my letter the other side of the administrator to find us
I stay here because the address is in addition no other place I can live here, I do not have a family and no friends, only the trouble you again
You've helped me a lot I have in mind the never forget your kindness
Just my poor language expression of another shy
All the hearts of gratitude can be placed only
I really want to tell you when you say free cup of coffee
Or do something delicious vegetables for you to send to taste
But I can not see that you had
I was such a shy person
This time, I turn to you to desperation again
I hope you can help me read the storm again
You are like my family, my heart as you are if it does not help me
I can only sleep Avenue of the
If you are still willing to help me to see if there are no cheap points around the house
Your kindness I will not forget
I will wait for me at all with ability to repay your

If you still can not so then I can only go
I do not want to see you so embarrassed
I see things difficult for you to be more sadness in my heart

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 12:00

to my beloved friend,
I don’t know what to say. I know that you don’t want me to live here. But I have no choice at all. I don’t want to always bother you, but I really have no other place to go to. My house there has already be taken away. I have found a lawyer in Cologne who is helping me to get my house back. He said that I have visitation right in Dusseldorf. And my lawyer is dealing with that. But ring these days when he is dealing with that, I can do nothing but wait. In addition, I need an address where my lawyer can send me letters. And as soon as I get a reply, I will visit the person in control there.
The address I gave him is here, since I have no other place to go to and I don’t have any relatives and friends here. so I have to trouble you again.
You have helped me a lot before. I am grateful from the bottom of my heart. And I will keep this in mind for the rest of my life. i am too shy to express my appreciation in person. And my English is poor.
For many times I want to chat with you over a cup of coffee or cook you something delicious. But i can’t work up my courage to do those in face of you.
This time I turn to you again in face of difficulty, in the hope that you can help me to overcome it. You’re my family in my view. I have to sleep in the street if you don’t help me.
If you really don’t want me to live here, would please find me a cheap place to live?
I won’t forget your help. And when I have the ability to repay your help, I will do all I can for you.
If you still don’t want to, I will leave. I don’t want you to be troubled,becuse if you feel troubled,I will be sorry.
Your forever Chinese friend
帮我用英语翻译这段话 急!!!

i feel extremely sorry to have troubled you so much.yours sincerely,forever chinese friend


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请帮我用英语翻译这段话 谢谢

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