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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-30 13:42



热心网友 时间:2022-05-28 18:50


The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games are walking towards us,taking a big step.Now how to grow up along with Olympic Champions has become a hot topic and the highlight of our concern.


These days,we held a discussion in our class about this topic.Each classmate was warm-hearted about it.


We all think,there are many common piont of every winner in the Olympic Games.They pursue excellence and always show respect to others,such as their fans and coachs,even their opponent.Also,they never give up and always believe they can do better.







热心网友 时间:2022-05-28 20:08

The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games are walking towards us,taking a big step.Now how to grow up along with Olympic Champions has become a hot topic and the highlight of our concern.

These days,we held a discussion in our class about this topic.Each classmate was warm-hearted about it.

We all think,there are many common piont of every winner in the Olympic Games.They pursue excellence and always show respect to others,such as their fans and coachs,even their opponent.Also,they never give up and always believe they can do better.

In our true live,we also need to be a winner.It’s important for us to know how to be a success.First, a certain goal is our power.And if you pay more attention,you can do more.Personally,everything can be an important factor.We should have a high spirit about everything we do.And always I think,when I believe,I can do much more.Also,in modern seciety,we need team spirit,who can’t cooperate with others won’t
succeeded.And it’s a quality of a person that when you see someone in need of help,you should give him a hand.Only if you can do the all,you can be a winner one day.

In a word,the Olympic Slogan“One World,One Dream”expresses the voice of our class-share a beautiful earth,share modern civilization and create a better future hand in hand.
Dear Gina:
hallo!I'm***,I'm fine,what about you?Let me tell you about my life.
I go to school from Monday to Friday.I get up at 7 a.m. every day.Then I have breakfast for about half an hour.I eat eggs and a cup of milk or some bread for breakfast.
After that,I go to school at 7.40 a.m.
At school,we do morning exercises frist. I have seven lessons every day.There are four in the morning and three in the afternoon.My favuorite lessons are Chinese and English.I like Maths too.
I like lunchtime best.Because I can chat with my family and eat nice food.
I go to school at 12.30 in the afternoon.After school,I go home and do my homework. I dislike homework,because it's too difficult and we have too much.
After dinner,I watch TV.I go to bed at 9 p.m.
At weekend,I go shopping with my friend.
What about you ?

Lots of love
Your penfriend
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