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The Letter 的歌词 Laurell 唱的

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-21 21:15



热心网友 时间:2024-10-25 20:31

The Letter 歌词 I carried this letterOff through the riversIn fear of whatIn my ***I know the reasonsThey changed so fastWe can never make it backIn the letter that you wroteWas the words you never spokeIt's time for you to come homeSo I travlled the seas to return the homeBut I could not make it thoughI know it's not easyThings can't be so wrongAs we are lost in the waysIn the letter that I wroteWas the words I never spokeThis is why I can't come home..In the letter that you wroteWas in the letter as a friendThis is what I must go..

热心网友 时间:2024-10-25 20:31

How long, since I've written a letter!
I got a rough draft in my pocket.
Did ya know, the words never come out right,
When you think too much, or you're up all night.
Oh why? Oh why? Oh why?

Can't find the right words to say.
So many other writers have been trapped this way.
I don't know how he could write, R&J or Twelfth Night.
But somebody must have amused him.

I don't mind writing down that I love you,
But what can I say? I have lost my way.
How do I find the words to express my feelings for you?
I am lost without you. But I keep on writing on page 2.

With you, I feel so much better.
You warm me up with your kindness.
I gotta krow, I never want to let you down,
You fill my heart with a brand new sound,
Taking away all of my sadness.

My way is all that I thought about.
I never wanted changes, but it happened.
And now I know with or without,
You make me this way.
I thank you for reading my letter.

I don't mind writing down that I love you,
But what can I say? I have lost my way.
How do I find the words to express my feelings for you?
I am lost without you, I'm telling the truth, start something new,
What can I do? Do you feel it too? Where do I go? No more ideas,
Making this song, just writing on, run out of paper,
broken my pencil,
Just keep scribbling on and on and on and on
and on and on and on and on
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