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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-05 06:39



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 14:34

不知是谁 Who Is He?

不知是谁 Who Is he
闪电般从跑道上飞过 Dashing along the runway like lightning
冲向终点;Towards the touch line;
不知是谁 Who is he
划出一道漂亮的抛物线 Making a beautiful parabola
远远飘落; And landing at a far distance;
不知是谁 Who is he
从平地高高跃起 Jumping high from the plain ground
飞过横杆, And flying over the horizontal bar.
不知是谁 Who is he
奋力掷出希望的种子 Casting out the seeds of hope
飞向远方; Flying to the far distance
不论是谁 No matter who he is
都展示了我们??当代中学生的风采 It displays the charms of us, the middle schoole students of today

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 14:35

不知是谁 Who /

不知是谁 Who ?
闪电般从跑道上飞过 Dashed across the runway like lightning
冲向终点;towards the touch line
不知是谁 Who ?
划出一道漂亮的抛物线 A parabola was drawn
远远飘落; drifting at a far distance (at a place yonder)
不知是谁 Who ?
从平地高高跃起 Arising high up from the level ground
飞过横杆, flying across the cross bar
不知是谁 Who ?
奋力掷出希望的种子 Sow out the seeds of hope
飞向远方; floating (drifting) far away
不论是谁 Who ?
都展示了我们??当代中学生的风采Display us the demeanour of the students of today

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 14:35

Don't knowing is who
The lightning flash sort once flew from the runway
Rush at terminal point;
Don't knowing is who
Row an a beautiful parabola
Float to fall far and far;
Don't knowing is who
I am high to start to jump from the flat ground
Once flew a horizontal pole,
Don't knowing is who
Spare no effort to toss a seed of hope
Fly toward far-away place;
Is who in spite of
All displayed us??The elegant appearance of contemporary high school student
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