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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-27 11:05



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 06:45

I'm going to travel

I decided it.

I want to bring my beloved mechanical camera, take ten volumes film, I firmly believe that the country is beautiful and the scenery must sultry breathtaking. I would also like to bring pen and paper to record my first destination after, I want these experiences drawn pictures, I want to at any time in the future can still be seen throughout the landscape.

Then I set out.

I train departure, I listened to the rumbling sound, coming from the foot, I carefully watched Feishi mountains and vegetation, but after I saw the gurgling water, saw the river bank lined with houses, black and white intersect walls and eaves, leisurely spit plume? Fog elderly, as well as efforts to beat the clothes women, how harmonious bridges people! I have no time to stay, and with the rumble of the train drove forward.

The next stop is Beijing. I walk along the Chang'an Avenue from the beginning to the end, flies beside the car and pedestrians, people looked at the flow of The Strip, I say hello to every driver. Say hello to every pedestrian, and then I found the central axis of Beijing, I went to the Forbidden City, I saw the magnificent red walls and green tiles, I stroked look at it, touch fingers touched the corner, so I have to go forward, Guess what I saw, it was the nest, carrying the 1.3 billion Chinese people's great effort to building, as well as the Water Cube, the building shows no silver's strong, and I look forward to go, I saw the alley, I heard the cries: sugar-coated haws ......, I saw many kids kicking the key sub in the alley, he turned over the rubber band happily playing. It brought me back to childhood, I moved.

Oh, I've been in Beijing for so long, I have to move forward to go.

I crossed the plateau, I heard the forceful Xintianyou, I saw deafening Ansai waist drum, I was deeply infected.

Then I went to the Ili, I saw large tracts of lavender, purple petals show off their beauty, I gently took off several flower hidden in the clothes, I want to bring this wonderful memories.

I saw the Tianshan Mountains, and I cheered, car entering the winding mountain road, that glacier-capped peaks Yingying, I seem to see the fine monarch princess humming homesickness, he seemed to see the Han Dynasty in Pegasus singing songs. Near the close of the Tianshan getting closer, listen, it was the Queen Mother of the West Zhou Mu nothing to fall back Passions, look, it is Kasi Li dancing, Tianchi arrived, blue lake, emerald green mountains, white as snow , green wheat fields. Tianzaodishe beauty ah, I was intoxicated.

I'm going to go back, but before that I have to think of Yunnan look.

See in Xishuangbanna, look at Shangri-La.

I accept the Naxi offer white hada, I drank barley wine together with them, we roast whole together, dancing together.

This time, I really have to go back.

I have a plan to fly in the rivers and mountains of the motherland, and that the fields, grasslands, oceans, rivers, town - I look forward to, and I miss.

My drive line ended.

I would also like to go more places, to a more beautiful place.
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