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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-11 00:03



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 22:23





  ·More than 3 years hr working experience.

  ·Longing for working in multi-national companies with high reputation and good development opportunity.



  Gender:Female   Date of Birth:August 23th,1968

  Martial Status:Married    Email Address:@.com



  3/2000-Present  XXXX(China)Co.,Ltd  HR supervisor

  ·Responsible for HR weekly highlight ,monthly measurement and presentation,daily schele & meeting coordinating.

  ·Implementing internal & external recruitment ,new employee orientation and employee relations, drafting out the related policy and procere and providing policy consultation service.

  ·Administration of PeopleSoft and partial C & B administration.

  ·Organizing and coordinating training ,being reponsible for orientation training.

  ·Dealing with some labor disputes.

  8/1996-3/2000  XXXX Company  HR assistant

  ·Keeping and updating emplyee's personal files.

  ·Checking for staff daily attendance ,statistic for staff absence and vacation record.

  ·Making the monthly personnel data report about the employee promotion /demotion and transfer.

  ·Assisting HR manager to make employee evaluation work.


  9/1992-7/1996  Shanghai University  Business Management Bachelor


  language Fluent In English and native in Mandarin.



  Job-related: These are relevant to a specific job. For example, an accountant's job-related skills might include financial planning (计划编制), budgeting (预算) and financial reporting (财务报表).

  Transferable (可调换的): Skills learned in one field or job that are applicable to different ones are transferable. These skills can reflect how you deal with things (assembly, machine operation), data (research, synthesizing information) and people (instruction, management and negotiation).

  Adaptive (有适应能力的): These skills are the hardest to substantiate (证实) as they include personality traits (个性特点) and characteristics that determine your work style. Adaptive skills include reliability, ability to get along with colleagues, honesty and proctivity.

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