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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-28 10:44



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 11:53

从上表看出,冲洪积平原中的氟元素含量远比剥蚀平原中的含量要高,前者是后者的5倍以上。Seen from the table above, the fluorine content in the alluvial proluvial plains is higher than that in the denudative plains, about 5 times as much as the latter.

The content of the other elements, except Mg, Se and Sr, is of little difference between the two kinds of geomorphologies. However, the content of Mg, Se, and Sr in the alluvial proluvial plains is respectivly twice, twice and four times as much as that in the denudative ones. There seems to be an obvious correlativity among these 4 elements.

There is only one river, Jiaolai River, which can be called larger, in the north of Gaomi City. A strong evaporation occurs in the entire alluvial proluvial plains.

The ground water discharge mainly in the ways of evaporation and transpiration. The fluorine in the ground water rises to the near-surface layers of the soil with the capillarity, while eluviates down to the ground water again when it rains. Over again and again the fluorine in the ground water tends to concentrate to enrichment.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 11:53

从上表看出,冲洪积平原中的氟元素含量远比剥蚀平原中的含量要高,前者是后者的5倍以上。Seen from the table above, the fluorine content in the alluvial proluvial plains is higher than that in the denudative plains, about 5 times as much as the latter.

The content of the other elements, except Mg, Se and Sr, is of little difference between the two kinds of geomorphologies. However, the content of Mg, Se, and Sr in the alluvial proluvial plains is respectivly twice, twice and four times as much as that in the denudative ones. There seems to be an obvious correlativity among these 4 elements.

There is only one river, Jiaolai River, which can be called larger, in the north of Gaomi City. A strong evaporation occurs in the entire alluvial proluvial plains.

The ground water discharge mainly in the ways of evaporation and transpiration. The fluorine in the ground water rises to the near-surface layers of the soil with the capillarity, while eluviates down to the ground water again when it rains. Over again and again the fluorine in the ground water tends to concentrate to enrichment.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 11:54

From the above table shows

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 11:54

From the above table shows, alluvial plain in the element fluorine content than the plain of denudation in the content to be high, the former is the5 times above. Other elements except for Mg, Se, Sr beyond, in two kinds of landform unit content difference is very small, but Mg, Se, Sr in the alluvial - flood plain content respectively denudation plain content of nearly 2 times,2times and 4 times. Four the correlation between the mineral is very significant. Northern Gaomi City region of the larger rivers only Jiaolai river a, the alluvial flood plain area, strong evaporation, groundwater mainly through evaporation and transpiration of excretion, groundwater fluorine with capillarity rise to superficial soil, rain drench the worry to groundwater, so it is easy to make the fluorine content in groundwater as the concentration increases

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 11:54

From the above table shows

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 11:54

From the above table shows, alluvial plain in the element fluorine content than the plain of denudation in the content to be high, the former is the5 times above. Other elements except for Mg, Se, Sr beyond, in two kinds of landform unit content difference is very small, but Mg, Se, Sr in the alluvial - flood plain content respectively denudation plain content of nearly 2 times,2times and 4 times. Four the correlation between the mineral is very significant. Northern Gaomi City region of the larger rivers only Jiaolai river a, the alluvial flood plain area, strong evaporation, groundwater mainly through evaporation and transpiration of excretion, groundwater fluorine with capillarity rise to superficial soil, rain drench the worry to groundwater, so it is easy to make the fluorine content in groundwater as the concentration increases
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