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有一首电音,歌词中有call me on the phone,(广东清远华侨中学起床歌)

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-01 10:53



热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 10:40

《Love the way you lie》
On the first page of our story
The future seemed so bright
Then the thing turned out so evil
I don't know why I'm still surprised
Even angels have their wicked schemes,
And you take that to new extremes.
But you'll always be my hero,
Even though you've lost your mind.
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
Well that's alright because I love the way you lie
Love the way you lie
Ohh, I love the way you lie
Now there's treble in our voices As they shatter from the fight
In this tug of war you'll always win
Even when I'm right
Cos you feed me fables from your head
With violent words and empty threats
And it's sick that all these battles
Are what keeps me satisfied
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
Well that's alright because I love the way you lie
Love the way you lie
Ohh, I love the way you lie
So maybe I'm a masochist
I try to run but I don't wanna ever be
Till the walls are going down
There's smoke with all our memories
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
Well that's alright because I love the way you lie
I Love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie by ks97
...Exception EoleSysError in module PlayGame.exe at 000AAA95,怎么... ...出现Exception EOleSysError in module ATT.exe at 000BCA21.拒绝... 求大神帮忙: Exception EOleSysError in module.1.多元函数概念(1... windows7ExceptionEOlesysErrorinmoduleexeat000649E0找不到指定模块... 南京新街口适合情侣吃饭的地方,南京钟山景区露台酒店价格 c语言中如何计算a+ b的和 题目:有用户输入两个整数a,b 求a和b之间的数的累加和,包括a和b 用C语... 有请高手解答,平手盘是什么意思,我认为打平多 平手盘什么意思平手盘指的是什么 食品添加剂安全使用指南目录 if you are coming please call me on。你右后面为什么加ing形式? Call On Me 是什么意思? 陈的组词和造句 陈怎么组词和造句 陈字怎么组词 陈有哪些组词呢 姚记上班累不 爱探险的朵拉:胶水喷泉把小熊玩具喷出,你可以帮忙拿到它吗? 这是哪个动画片里的玩具,叫什么? 右肩膀和右脖子疼咋回事呢 脖子到右肩膀稍微靠下时常酸疼是怎么回事? 环球地理杂志是什么公司 找一些听起来很舒服的英文歌 有一首英文歌,歌词是I can be you 什么的,是女生唱的很好听的!! 怎么样让她和我SLEEP啊 comeheresleepwithme,是什麼意思 wantyoutosleepwithme是什么意思 醉驾撞车处罚标准是什么 醉酒驾驶撞车处罚标准是什么 花开君子兰的励志故事 一个每天最多可以加多少好友? 一天之内加几个好友最好? 求call on me的中英文歌词 家里在吉林松原,想让孩子来哈尔滨学习*口才,不知道如何选择培训班? 大熊猫的童话故事 【读书笔记】文赋创作 王水照《苏轼传》摘抄 阅读的重要性(摘抄) 500字周记,初一开学第二周 感受长白山散文随笔 属羊属猴属相合吗 生肖羊和猴合适吗 羊和猴是生肖相冲吗 生肖羊和生肖猴匹配吗 猜字迷: 飞沙走石( );千里相逢( );挥手告别( );九点( );乘人不备( );久雷不雨( );昨日不可留( )。 一叶知秋,春水东流是什么歌里面的歌词 曾经牵着手说以后是什么歌的歌词啊? 监理工作安全台账谁有? 歌词为"我问你可否给我信任,不需要理由只牵着手"是什么歌? 形容音乐声音好听的词语 有什么成语可以用来形容音乐的声音啊 小学三年级科学学具;杭州哪里有买