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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 08:41



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 22:00

Part I Writing (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a news report to your campus newspaper on a visit to a local farm organized by your Student Union. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


A Visit to Guangming Farm Opens Students' Eyes

Sponsored by the Student Union, a total of 30 students paid a visit to Guangming Farm, a local farm 50 kilometers away from our university on June 8, 2019.

Guangming Farm is a state-owned farm mainly planting crops such as wheat and corn and procing milk and dairy procts. During this visit, students saw the grand farmland and were deeply Impressed by the modern agricultural technology and the completely automotive operation of wheat harvest in particular. The trip culminated in a visit to a manufacturing process of dairy procts. Mary, a student from the Department of Foreign Languages, said at the thought of agriculture, what occurred to her was the images of sweating peasants laboring in their field under the Sun. However, this trip totally changed her stereotype of Chinese agriculture.

The trip of fieldwork deepens college students' understanding of the rapid social development by what they have witnessed in person, and will exert an ever-lasting influence upon their future study and work.


重本和一本一样吗 永劫无间是第几人称:小说叙事视角分析 名字未定(第三人称双男主 周霖 温宿) 我得了职业病〈轻度苯中毒〉,有职业病诊断证明书.工伤认定期间我没上... ...后来感觉麻烦,就直接去药店买药,他开了很多 这是十年前的功放,求高手看看那几个孔是什么? 车子断保险之后再交是一样的吗 车险断交后再续交 女性查激素六项什么时候检查 有一个素质很低下的室友是一种什么样的体验? 新鲜笋子煮麻辣鱼怎么做 笋子煮麻辣鱼的做法 胸罩的大小是怎么算出来的…比喻B72、 怎样才算戴对了bra?有副乳的困扰 opporeno7pro打吃鸡游戏耳机杂音太大 华为5G随身wifi国外版怎样设置中文? 英语四级卷面总分与报道总分哪个高,一般高多少? PPT快速插入图片方法:怎样在PPT里快速插入 华为5G随行WiFi? 我的手机是华为nova2s,用蓝牙耳机打吃鸡游戏说话别人会听到杂音 胸罩那个罩杯最大?有图给我看一下!谢谢了! 手机屏幕2415*1080分辨率是2k屏幕吗? oppoa3快手自拍不能扩大怎么办? 华为5G随身wifi没有5G信号能用吗? 绝地求生。系统问题会引起游戏电流噪音吗,我玩绝地求生 一进去就开始有噪音 换过耳机 扒过麦克风 杨钰莹在歌声传奇里是不是没戴胸罩 英语四六级,考生的原始分数是指什么,报道分是指什么? 两者什么关系,哪个偏高,有实际例子追加分数,谢 车辆买了全险被别人剐蹭了,该怎么解决? 带耳机玩游戏 手机里会有电流声(不是耳机的问提 ,换了好几个耳机都有... 初二地理上册我国疆域辽阔的优势是什么 bra是什么英文的缩写? 华为5G随行WiFi能不能打电话? 苹果ipad吃鸡有电流声怎么设置耳机模式? 穿了胸罩还凸点 14岁了,应该穿胸罩还是小背心呢? oppo前置摄像头怎么放大 我的2K屏为什么最高只有1080P的分辨率? 十三岁少女应穿什么样的胸罩? 买了一个手机耳机来玩吃鸡,可是为什么老是有滋滋的 手机2K屏有多少像素点 oppoa5前置摄像头为什么拍照不能放大? 再过十几天就要考四级了,不知道报道分数和实际分数有没有差别啊?好着急啊 现有几款手机分辨率达到2k的? 为什么OPPO r91前置拍照它放不了大就是想放大拍照但是它弄不了放不了大只能后置拍照才能可以放大? 英语四级备战新闻稿该怎么写 opporeno7原相机怎么放大 oppo手机自拍怎么放大缩小 oppo reno4se 人像自拍的时候怎么不能缩大缩小呢? 大学英语四级考试一般原始总分达多少分报道分才能达到425分? OPPOreno4前置摄像头拍照时为什么不能放大人像? 英语四级,优良等级是怎么划分的? 我这次英语四级根本没有做,全是蒙的,可是为什么成绩能蒙到390?像听力蒙到130多,这不可能啊,我想