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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-13 07:45



热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 18:10

Like a sharp sword, stung me.
A fool, out of school for several months.
I still remain so childish.
Naive, familiar and unfamiliar words.
I hate it, I hate this two word in my ear.
I think the permissive cry, cry of a gay.
But I dare not, I still hold a cry, trembling.
The feeling that heartache only oneself can understand it.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 18:10

Like sharp swords, my heart is pierced by every words.
Fool! for several months ,from school graated The fool.
So naïve am I. still I am!
Naïve? What a familiar strange word!
I wanna cry
a permissive and joyful cry.
But, I don’t dare.
I withhold my tear
with my body shaking.
Nobody but i can understand
the feeling of that!

为了押韵 前面用了一些倒装 还望海纳

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 18:11

sentence by sentence it stabs into my haert like a sharp knife.
idiot, out of campus for months, i am still still so naive.
naive, a familiar but strange word, haunting my ears which i loathe, i loathe .
i want to cry to my heart'content,
to cry my eye out.but i can't.
i bite my tears back,shaking.
only meself can feel the hurt deep down.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 18:11

sharp like a blade, piercing me word by word.
fool, leaving school for several months now.
I'm still,still that naive.
naive, familiar but at the same time an unusual word.
i hate it, i hate this word appearing around my ears.
i want to cry aloud, cry all i want for once.
but i wouldn't dare, i still held it back, trembling.
that feel, that heartach, only oneself can understand it.

尽量靠近中文意思 ^_^

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 18:12

Like a sharp knife-like, a sentence hurt me.
Fools, out of school for months.
I still remain so naive.
Naive, familiar and unfamiliar words.
I hate it, I hate the word appeared in my ear.
I would like to inlge in tears, very much love to cry.
But I dare not, I still hold back the crying, trembling.
That feeling that only he can understand the heartache that got.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 18:13

Like a sharp knife-like, a sentence hurt me.
Fools, out of school for months.
I still remain so naive.
Naive, familiar and unfamiliar words.
I hate it, I hate the word appeared in my ear.
I would like to inlge in tears, very much love to cry.
But I dare not, I still hold back the crying, trembling.
That feeling that only he can understand the heartache that got.
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