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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-11 21:57



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 14:20

My Summer Vacation -我的暑假生活
After the final examination, I received a letter from my uncle and aunt who invited me to stay with them for a fortnight. They live in the countryside near a beautiful mountain. The news brought me a restless night. Next morning, after almost a day's ride on the bus I reached their home and I was kindly received by them. They prepared a very nice and airy room for me, Just coming inside, on a small table I found a vase of roses----my favorite flower. I thanked them for their kindness. When they left me to take a rest, I really could not do it. My attention was taken away by the charming and picturesque scenery outside the window. If I were an artist, I would have drawn a wonderful picture of it.
Every morning we took a walk in the neighboring hills where we could enjoy the fresh air and sweet songs by the birds. We gathered wild flowers here and there among the bushes, I found it full of fun.
In the afternoon, I mostly sent my time reading and writing, for I was shut in the house by the terrible heat. The evening was shut in the house by the terrible heat. The evening was the only time we could go to swim together. I improved my swimming greatly ring those two weeks.
Though the fortnight passed away at lightening speed, the memory of it will last forever.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 14:20


I would have drawn a wonderful picture of it.Every morning we took a walk in the neighboring hills where we could enjoy the fresh air and sweet songs by the birds. We gathered wild flowers here and there among the bushes, I found it full of fun.In the afternoon, I mostly ...


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