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英语演讲五分钟 自我介绍两分钟、演讲题目:我认为最伟大的发明谈三分钟 麻烦帮我写出英文演讲稿

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-09 02:46



懂视网 时间:2022-06-09 07:07



I am a business person,today i invent a very special invention,i think itis such a exciting invention ,maybe it can cheer you up,now,let me tell youabout all part of it . This is a fly blanket,when you spend time alone and wantto enjoy yourself,you can take it to the sky,in the sky ,you will see so manyclouds,their shapes are like people,animals,and so on,you can hang out betweenthem.However,if you are so happy and have free time,you can take it to othercountries,it can produce a lot of foods,then you can eat them and admire thebeauty of nature. In the evening,it can take you for a walk ,you can sit thereenjoy these stars and moon,when you miss a person,it can take you to meet him orher,after that,when you fall asleep,the fly blanket will be a comfortablebed,you can make a good dream. Last one,it also a best one ability,you can havea journey to space.If you have problems breathing,it could provide you withairs,in the difficult situation,it protect you.So you can visit many places,andhave a good time. When you hear the invention,do you think it great?i believeyou will also make one,it's not only interesting,but also useful,keepdoing,don't give up.


When I was a child, I was always dreaming of what I could become when Igrew up. Become a singer? Become a painter? Become an actor? These are someglamorous professions, and what I want to be the most is an inventor.

Although the inventor is a behind-the-scenes worker, he can make a greatcontribution to human development. It can make people's lives less tired andmake people happier every day.

If I were an inventor, I would invent many things that would be convenientfor people to live on. Start with people's housing starts! If I were aninventor, I would invent a very advanced door. The shape of this door is notdifferent from the ordinary one, but it has many functions. First of all, whenthe noise coming from the corridor, the door can be according to the master'svoice as he opened the door ahead of time, when the owner came to the door itsay: "master, welcome home!" Then the door closes. The advantage of this designis that the owners no longer have to go out with keys. Second, if there is a badguy to destroy the door, the door have a security alarm system, can let theneighbors know there is a thief, the thief will soon be away. And the door willalso send the information to the owner's mobile phone for the first time,telling the host that there is a bad guy and need to deal with it as soon aspossible. Finally, the door has the function of weather forecasting. At seven o'clock in the morning, it will report on time and report the weather and thesituation of the day. If the weather forecast says it's going to rain, the doorwill offer an umbrella before its owner goes out, and if it's a big summer itwill also offer a sunblock and sunscreen. The invention guarantees home safety,improves living standards and makes people's lives more comfortable.

If I were an inventor, I wanted to invent a medicine that would delaypeople's life slightly. Because I know that it is impossible to live forever,and if you can live forever, there will be more and more people in the world. Aslight delay is the ability to make a person's life a little longer. Theinvention is mainly used for the immediate death of the hospital, but to thepeople who want to see the last of their loved ones. Or people who are in a caraccident or other sudden death. Because of this invention, they can be able tosee the last part of their family, leaving them with the words they want to say,without regret.

If I were an inventor, I would invent an emotional robot. Scientists sayrobots are mechanical, unemotional and can't understand what people really need.And I'm going to invent this robot, which has its own personality, apart frombeing able to do the housework, the laundry, the cooking. Owners can chooserobots with different personalities.

There are gentle, considerate, or tyrants. The charm value of the robot canbe acquired by itself. At that time, the robot is more than just a machine, itcan be your family, your friends, more like your child. He's hungry and needsyou to feed him. When you are sad it will hug you, stand beside you and comfortyou and tell you jokes. When you're nervous, it encourages you and tells youit's ok. When you are happy, it will give you all kinds of celebrations,standing next to you and dancing, more than you are happy. But the baby robotalso dies, for example, when it dies of starvation, or parts that are too longand die. But you can rest assured that the life of the robot baby is usually ahundred years old, enough to accompany you forever.

If I am the inventor, I would also like to invent a lot of things tobenefit mankind, I'm not in order to let everyone thank me, let me earn a lot ofmoney, but in order to let people all over the world have a safe, happy, happy,carefree, so I am very satisfied. I would like to be an inventor. For thisdream, I must study hard and go to a good university in the future. I can getrid of the word "if" and realize my dream.


i will invent a time machine in the as it 's been my dream in my life. timemachine allows people to travel back in time to prevent disaster to happen.

it also allows people to tavel into dinstant future to find out solutionfor incurable illness including cancer and aids. however, this machine may beabused by people to create chaos in our world or even completely change ourhistory. therfore, security features are essential for my invention.

the future invention of time machine will definately bring more advantagesfor human being.


what is my favorite invention?

we knew there had been many inventions at the last century, for example,electric light bulb, telephone, phonograph, mimeograph machine, automobile,airplane, atomic weapon, computer and so on. what is my favorite invention?

personally, my favorite invention should be computer. in the old days, manyscientists took much time to calculate and deal with research data, so theeffective time in doing research was relatively shortened. for millions of timesof calculating per second by computer, the researchers may have enough time tostudy more important issues. the processing of experiment results became verysimple and easy. aren’t those all evidences that the computer is one of thegreatest inventions in the last century, are those?

so my favorite invention is computer.


Hello, everyone! My name is “eye pen”. I am not a common pen. I am theprotector of students’ eyes. It is said that nowadays many, many children arewearing glasses. So I have been invented. I belong to Nancy. She is very anxiousbecause most of her friends become shortsighted. Ha ha! Then one day she had agood idea. She invented me. I don’t want to make her disappointed. I need to beresponsible to all the children.

You see, my body will turn red when you use me for over 30 minutes. It is awarning. And you should have a rest. In my head, there is a thermostat. Whenstudents use me to write, I’ll turn yellow when their heads are too close to thedesk. It is also a warning. Then the students should raise their heads.

I am so happy that students take me to school every day. I will be a goodeye protector and make students all have a good writing habit so that the numberof shortsighted students will be reduced.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-09 04:15

Hello everyone! My is......, from Qinzhou. I’m so glad to meet you, and I’m currently a student at Guangxi Textile Instrial School. my major is knitting. It’s my pleasure to join the CHAMPION training camp, because I love English and I hope I can learn something in the training for my future work. As we all know English is very useful in every field.
My English is limited that’s why I’m here. I know it’s a huge challenge for me to conquer English, but I believe that “No pains, no gains, success belongs to the persevering”, I hope I can learn more from you, Thank you!追问额 我是大一新生 ……这个好像有点不合试啊

英语演讲五分钟 自我介绍两分钟、演讲题目:我认为最伟大的发明谈三分钟...


英语自我介绍大学简短 英语三分钟自我介绍演讲稿范文

I will do anything that I can.Of course,I hope you my classmates can help me too.At the last,I wish we can become good friends and everybody can get a good result at the end.Thank you!



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