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Dirty Dozen的《Get Naked》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-10 06:45



热心网友 时间:2022-07-13 07:18

歌曲名:Get Naked
歌手:Dirty Dozen
专辑:Dirty Dozen

Get Naked
Methods Of Mayhem
The Girl Next Door O.S.T.
Craig David发烧友群2517240,
Tommy Lee:——517499969 孔清冽
Seventy-seven million dollars made from watchin' me cum
Under the sun on my vacation (after hours on Spectravision)
Shootin' my jizzy jizzum
The woody has rissy rizen
I ain't gettin' paid to entertain your bridal showers
Rockin' my porno tape for hours'n'hours
Clitoris's are fearin me it's bigger than Ron Jeremy
Fred Durst:
Cause it's them ass cheeks that make my ass weak
And I've been runnin' with the blueballs since last week
So if you ask me I'll be glad to speak after we get butt naked
And break it down with NASTY!
Lil Kim & Tommy Lee :
Get, Get Naked
Come on baby make it hot
Get, Get Naked
Ride the cock til you hit the spot
Get, Get Naked
Come on baby make it hot
Get Naked
George Clinton:
Roof roof
Doin' it doggy style
Bow wow wow yippy yo yippy yay
Bow wow yippy yo yippy yay
Bow wow wow yippy yo yippy yay
Bow wow yippy yo yippy yay
The little Geisha ho from Tokyo who said she could blow
Ten dollas love me long time in a limo
For really doh
I'm just try in to fly with the flows
Freak up some hos
Blow up the shows make a little dough-ho
As if you didn't know
Back to the strip club freakin' up some ho-ho's
Swingin' my dingaling it ain't no thing
Tommy Lee & Tilo:
It's those intergalatic ho's who come down in those
Space probes five green hienas
Representin with no clothes
Mix Master Mike, Mix Master Mike
Makin' the pussy tight
No jimmy no gimme no lust
In the Methods of Mayhem we trust!
Its a must so rip off yer clothes and expose yer BUST!
Fred Durst:
Cause it's them ass cheeks that make my ass weak
And I've been runnin' with the blueballs since last week
So if you ask me I'll be glad to speak after we get butt naked
And break it down with NASTY!
You only Love me when you want punanny
Lil Kim:
Queen bitch red lipstick
The all black harlot call me black Barbie
Fuck a blow job it's a mother*in' hobbie
Under 7 inches uhh sorry
Minute men I can't * wit them
I like to ride the cock till you hit the spot
Uhh come on baby make it hot
Got a convertable drop the top
Before we do a thing I want the diamonds and the rings
The furs the minks the jewels the links
You know I'm freaky so ya got to eat me and uh
I know you hate it but uh
Lil Kim & Tommy Lee:
You ain't lickin' this
You ain't stickin' this we don't want the dick
Fuck the mb games you girls that complain
And I ain't leavin' until you're sleepin on the cum stains

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