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last weekend英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-10 05:43



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 05:10

  Last Weekend
I had a happy weekend last week.
On Saturday morning, I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes. In the afternoon, I cleaned three bedrooms in my house-- mine, my parents’ and my brother’s.
On Sunday, I played football in the park. Then I went to my grandparents’ house. Grandpa played the piano! The whole family was so happy. Later, we wanted to swim. But it was too cold.
This was last weekend.
My last weekend我的周末

周末你都是怎么度过的呢,下面给大家分享几篇My last weekend(我的周末)英语作文,一起来学习一下吧 My last weekend(我的周末) My busy last weekend I was busy last weekend. Saturday morning I had math and Chinese class. In the afternoon I ate KFC. I was very happy. I playe...

last weekend英语作文

Last weekend I was busy .on saturday morning ,I was at the library,I read an interesting book,in the afternoon I was at the museum with Tom,we saw many old things.on Sunday morning ,I visited my grandfather,we shared lunch together,in the afternoon ,I played soccer with my...


Last weekend, I was engaged in various activities. On Saturday morning, I visited the library and delved into an intriguing book. In the afternoon, I explored the museum with Tom, discovering many ancient artifacts. Sunday morning found me visiting my grandfather, where we shared a ...


我的上个周末英语作文篇一 My last weekend I was very busy last weekend,on saturday morning ,I visted my grandparents and helped them clean the room,in the afternoon,I went to the bookstore to buy some books;on sunday,I washed many clothes in the morning,and watched TV in th...

my last weekend英语作文,10句话左右,六年级水平

Last weekend 上周末 Last weekend there were two days’ holiday.I went to the park with my classmates on Saturday morning.We played games, we were very happy.In the afternoon, I read comic books.I like reading books very much.On Sunday morning, I got up at 7:00.Then I did...

关于my last weekend小学生英语作文

关于my last weekend小学生英语作文篇一 On the last weekend ,my father was watching Huang Feihong on the TV.My mother was playing computer.I was doing my homework,It is so much.My sister was learning English.My grandma was walking in the garden.my cat was sitting on...

以“ last weekend”为题写一篇英语作文50词左右.

今天我就让你们见识见识英语词汇量有多重要! 一共给你们准备了3篇英文作文,词汇量从少到多的顺序,单词数量都足足的,肯定够50字。 【一】案例来啦 Last weekend, I went to my uncle's farm. I saw a lot of hens and horses on the farm. In the morning, I had a walk along the ...

my last week英语作文 短一点

I have a busy last weekend .Saturday morning .I did my homework and read books .After lunch .I helped my mom cleaned the room .In the afternoon .I went shopping with my parents .Sunday moring.After breakfast .I visited grandparents with my dad .We were watched TV togrther ....

last weekend英语作文80词

"Last Weekend"这个题目的英语作文可以从以下几个方面写: 活动安排:描述自己上周末做了什么,比如去了哪里旅游、参加了什么活动等等。 体验感受:分享自己在活动中的感受和体会,比如欣赏美景、结交新朋友、学到新知识等等。 与家人或朋友相处:介绍自己是和家人一起度过还是与朋友一起度过,并谈论他们的感受和互动。 个...

以“last week”为题,写一篇英语作文,不少于6句话(小学六年级水平...

on sunday morning,i'm did homework and played computer games.in the afternoon,i'm went to a park.this is my last weekend.what about you?翻译:我的最后一个周末很忙。星期六早上,我妈妈和我一起去购物。因为今天是奶奶的生日。我们一起做饭。晚上,妈妈和我一起回家。星期天早上,我做...

lastweekend英语作文70字 last weekend英语作文60字 lastweekend英语作文5句话 last weekend英语作文50字 以last week为题的英语作文 lastweekend40词 my last week英语作文 lastweek英语作文40字 英语作文last sunday
...海岸线位置示意图 材料二 “华北地区局部图” (1) 汉朝的平阳公主为什么能有如此大的权力 平阳昭公主相关史料 历史上有多少荷兰藉球员效力过AC米兰,除了三剑客和现役的。 ...完成下列问题.(1)写出下列字母所代表地形区的名称:A___B___C... 家长的错误教育观念对孩子有什么影响? ...要求:(1)写出字母代表的地形名称.C.___ (山脉) D.___ (河_百度知 ... 错误教育对孩子有什么影响 错误的教育方法对孩子成长有什么不利影响? 英语厉害的帮我翻译下这篇文章,有原文的给个地址,要有中文翻译... 如何做0-30v可调直流稳压电源 我想在5月10日预定烟台的中小型酒店做婚宴 最好提供有把握没预定的 火影忍者疾风传一般一周可以赚多少金币 对高鸿股份公司做审计汇报可以从什么角度出发 烟台高端婚礼公司哪家最好 烟台牟平区婚庆 春节大扫除任务流程 dnf春节大扫除任务怎么做 可调直流稳压电源输出电压高与30v是怎么回事 爱丽小屋角质调理卸妆油为什么没有卖的 牟平如家酒店怎么样? KVMonXP22.exe这个文件你见过? 什么牌子的数码相机耐摔 无伸缩镜头的相机是什么相机,推荐几款成像好滴?谢谢 X染色体短臂xp22.2什么意思 想要选购家用数码相机一台,以及手机一部,求大侠推荐!五一在香港买。 KUKA程序中 PTP XP22 C_DIS什么意思 请问世界上最适合移民养老的国家是哪个? 国外哪些地方比较适合养老? cd和mp3音质上有区别吗?为什么呢? 世界一国家很会生活,30岁就开始养老,哪个国家? 医生说典必殊滴眼液里有激素,那我用会不会发胖? 2011年那种复古的斜挎包包比较流行?想给女友生日送一包包作为生日礼物,要真皮女包哟。 吕勇明的简介 富贵虾寿司用的是什么虾? 量子化学中aug-cc-pVDZ基组的具体含义 全基因组测组装时是不是有些序列要转化为其互补链 梁子湖区政府对农业有那些扶持政策 英语翻译 昨天是母亲节. it was () yesterday. 昨天是母亲节用英文描述你和你的家人做了些什么不少于五句话? 5.3米箱式开蓬车找长期货源 干货运怎么找货源 是总需求增加、短期总供给增加还是长期总供给增加引起了通货膨胀? 铁线莲的开花期分为哪几种类型? 怎么开一家只有夫妻两人经营的餐饮馆,要注意哪些,怎么才能找到长期的好货源 国内有哪些地方有养殖黑鱼的基地,可以长期供应货源的 tiffany钻石香水真假辨别- 问一问 根并荷花一茎香 平生遭际实堪伤写的是谁 筋斗云能飞多少米 龙珠中筋斗云的时速是多少啊? 女性夏天稍微一动就大量出汗,应该怎么办 2016年农历三月初二是几月几日,星星几