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英语小演讲 帮忙翻译一下

发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-06 22:16



热心网友 时间:2022-07-15 14:16

dear teachers and friends,l feel so glad to stand here,today,l'm going to talk about a dog which called DABAO

These days, as soon as no matter is in the magazine saw from the movie the dog, I am sad.In because the meeting wants to build up the dog which that just died.I all call it the great treasure.Now actually again also blind it.
He is seven years ago my daddy's friend delivers my family, at that time it was only a dog baby, the pessimistic wool, the bright and intelligent eye passed keen gas, I liked it very much.
At that time on me the junior middle school, each time was on vacation from school goes home, as soon as opened the door, it could swing the tail to flush to me in front of, acted like a spoiled brat with me.Afterwards on me the high school, a month went home one time, each time I have not opened the door, it already hears my sound of footsteps, ran waits for me to the entrance, now went to college, several months only then went home one time, but each time went home it are exceptionally excited, but also could wait for me in the entrance, but also could gather round me to act like a spoiled brat.It is also recording me, looks like my father to say, this fellow is not silly.Last Saturday telephones to the father, the father said the great treasure died.I really do not dare to believe, but that is a fact.Was together seven years friend to walk.
I did not know when the next time will go home, the great treasure has not waited for my me in the entrance to be able to cry?!


热心网友 时间:2022-07-15 14:16

These days, as soon as no matter is in the magazine saw from the movie the dog, I am sad.In because the meeting wants to build up the dog which that just died.I all call it the great treasure.Now actually again also blind it.
He is seven years ago my daddy's friend delivers my family, at that time it was only a dog baby, the pessimistic wool, the bright and intelligent eye passed keen gas, I liked it very much.
At that time on me the junior middle school, each time was on vacation from school goes home, as soon as opened the door, it could swing the tail to flush to me in front of, acted like a spoiled brat with me.Afterwards on me the high school, a month went home one time, each time I have not opened the door, it already hears my sound of footsteps, ran waits for me to the entrance, now went to college, several months only then went home one time, but each time went home it are exceptionally excited, but also could wait for me in the entrance, but also could gather round me to act like a spoiled brat.It is also recording me, looks like my father to say, this fellow is not silly.Last Saturday telephones to the father, the father said the great treasure died.I really do not dare to believe, but that is a fact.Was together seven years friend to walk.
I did not know when the next time will go home, the great treasure has not waited for my me in the entrance to be able to cry?!


热心网友 时间:2022-07-15 14:17

Lately, I am really sad when I see dogs from movies or magazines, 'cause these would bring me the imagination of my cute dog named "DaBao" who just went away, and he/she would never come around.
He/she was taken to my home 7 yeas before by my father's friend. He/she was then a kitty doggie with grey fuzzes. I can see the smartness from his/her bright eyes, i love her/him.
when i was young as a junior high school student, everyday, honey "Dabao" would rush to me with his/her rotating tail as soon as i opened the door after school. later, I became a senior high school student, i could only come back home once a month, but what's not changed is that "Dabao" would always run to me once hearing my steps. Then, time passed away, i am now a college student, "Dabao" would be very excited and happy when i came back, even we hadn't seen each other for months. He/She followed me everywhere when i was home, and we gave each other so much happiness.. He/She is as smart as you. With smile, dad said.
Last Saturday, i got a call from dad, said that "Dabao" has gone. I would suppose dad was kidding me, but what a sadness, he wasn't. A true friend just faded away... Next time when i come back home,I have no idea if i can control my tears without "Dabao"'s staying there waiting for me.

热心网友 时间:2022-07-15 14:17


热心网友 时间:2022-07-15 14:18

my god
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