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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-06 22:16



热心网友 时间:2022-07-15 14:16

the residential area is close to two main four-lane roads ,which are called Renmin Road and Fushun Road respectively. and in the north of Renmin Road lies a supermarket, in the south of it and in the east of Fushun Road two schools, which meet the basic needs of local people, in the southwest and northeast of the residential area stand two bus stations where buses to Qing are commuted everyday, having enough space between these buildings,the houses have southern aspects.,thus six-hour sunshines can be guaranteed there.
the cncerpt of my house design is about ocean.it derives from the geographical conditions of coastal cities, moreover the three wavy houses are designed to meet the specific geographical conditions of Qing and the changeable weather here. there is a exit respectively in the southwest and northeast of the Subdistrict ,with a bus station rspectively nearby. e to the lack of space ,a underground garage is built. and a security department is set at the joining point of the entrance of the Subdistrict and that of the garage,so as to make sure the security and the privacy of the residents. in the east of the residential area lie a small lake and a garden in order to provide the residents with the recreation area .among the subdistrict, there are three buildings with two units in each floor and two buildings with one unit in each floor ,which meet the different needs of the residents .

热心网友 时间:2022-07-15 14:16

Residential area near the main road two lane four, respectively is the people's road and Fushun Road, traffic is very convenient. Along people's road north direction is set large shopping malls, Renmin Road and Fushun South Road East to the two schools, to ensure the needs of everyday life. Residential areas of southwest and northeast direction each has a bus station, a bus to Qing in all directions. Because the building spacing between the adequacy, residential buildings to the southern and Northern Dynasties, can guarantee six hours a day or so light.

My residential design concept is the ocean, the concept derives from the coastal city of geographical conditions. While the three wavy residential building in order to adapt to the terrain and Qing changing wind direction. District of southwest and northeast direction each having an outlet, the near a bus station. Due to the lack of space will be located at the underground parking lot. Residential entrance and parking entrance intersection guard room, to ensure the safety of resident and privacy. In a residential east direction set up a small lake and park, guarantee the residents leisure entertainment space. The three residential building for each of two units, two residential building as a unit, with the residents' diversified needs

热心网友 时间:2022-07-15 14:17

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