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热心网友 时间:2023-09-19 12:08


1 月
1日 古巴解放日-----Liberation Day (CUBA)
苏丹独立日-----Independence Day (SUDAN)
4日 缅甸独立日-----Independence Day (MYANMAR)
18日 突尼斯*日-----Revolution Day (TUNIDIA)
26日 澳大利亚日-----Australia Day
印度共和国日-----Repubic Day (INDIA)
28日 卢旺达民主日-----Democracy Day (RWANDA)

2 月
4日 斯里兰卡国庆日-----National Day (SRILANKA)
5日 墨西哥*日-----Constitution Day (MEXICO)
6日 新西兰国庆日-----Waitangi Day (NEW ZEALAND)
7日 格林纳达独立日-----Independence Day (GRENADA)
11日 日本建国日-----National Founding Day (JAPAN)
伊朗**胜利日-----Anniversay of the Victory of the Islamic
Revolution (IRAN)
16日 美国华盛顿诞辰-----Washington's Birthday (USA)
18日 冈比亚独立日-----Independence Day (GAMBIA)
23日 文莱国庆日-----National Day (BRUNEI DARUSSALAM)
圭亚那共和国日-----Republic Day (GUIYANA)
25日 科威特国庆日-----National Day (KUWAIT)

3 月
3日 摩洛哥登基日-----Enthronement Day (MOROCCO)
6日 加纳独立日-----Independence Day (CHANA)
12日 毛里求斯独立日-----Independence Day (MAURITHUS)
17日 爱尔兰国庆日-----National Day (IRELAND)
23日 巴基斯坦日-----Pakistan Day
25日 希腊国庆日-----National Day (GREECE)
26日 孟加拉独立及国庆日-----Independence & National Day (BANGLADESH)
31日 马耳他国庆日-----National Day (MALTA)

4 月
4日 匈牙利国庆日-----Liberation Day (HUNGARY)
塞内加尔独立日-----Independence Day (SENEGAL)
11日 乌干达解放日-----Liberation Day (UGANDA)
16日 丹麦女王日-----Birthday of Her majesty Queen MargretheⅡ (DENMARK)
17日 叙利亚国庆日-----National Day (SYRIA)
18日 津巴布韦独立日-----Independence Day (ZIMBABWE)
19日 委内瑞拉独立节-----Independence Day (Venezuela)
26日 塞拉里昂共和国日-----Republic Day (SIFRRA LEONE)
坦桑尼亚联合日-----Union Day (TANZANIA)
27日 多哥独立日-----Independence Day (TOGO)
29日 日本天皇诞辰-----Birthday of His Majesty the Emperor (JAPAN)
30日 荷兰女王日-----Queen's Day (THE NETHERLANDS)

5 月
9日 捷克与斯洛伐克国庆日-----National Day (CZECH & SLOYAKIA)
17日 挪威*日-----Constitution Day (NORWAY)
20日 喀麦隆国庆日-----National Day (CAMEROON)
25日 阿根廷5月*纪念日-----May 25,1810 Revolution Day (ARGENTINA)
约旦独立日-----Independence Day (JORDAN)

6 月
1日 突尼斯胜利日-----Victory Day (TUNISIA)
西萨摩亚独立日-----Independence Day (WESTERN SAMOA)
2日 意大利共和国日-----Foundation of Republic (ITALY)
5日 丹麦*日-----Constitution Day (DEMARK)
塞舌尔解放日-----Liberation Day (SEYCHELLES)
6日 瑞典国庆日-----National Day (SWEDEN)
7日 乍得国庆日-----National Day (CHAD)
10日 葡萄牙国庆日-----National/Portugal Day (PORTUGAL)
12日 菲律宾独立日-----Independence Day (THE PHILIPPINES)
14日 英国女王官方生日-----Official Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth
Ⅱ (UK)
17日 冰岛共和国日-----Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Republic
23日 卢森堡国庆日-----National Day (LUXEMBOURG)
24日 西班牙国王陛下日-----His Majesty the King's Day (SPAIN)
26日 马达加斯加独立日-----Independence Day (MADAGASCAR)
27日 吉布提独立日-----Independence Day (DJIBOUTI)

7 月
1日 布隆迪国庆日-----National Day (BURUNDI)
加拿大日-----Canada Day
卢望达独立日-----Independence Day (RWANDA)
4日 美国独立日-----Independence Day (USA)
5日 佛得角独立日-----Independence Day (CAPE VERDE)
委内瑞纳独立日-----Independence Day (VENEZUELA)
6日 科摩罗独立日-----Independence Day (COMOROS)
11日 蒙古人民*纪念日-----Anniversary of the People's Revolution
14日 法国国庆日-----National/Bastille Day (FRANCE)
17日 伊拉克国庆日-----National Day (IRAQ)
20日 哥伦比亚国庆日-----National Day (COLOMBIA)
21日 比利时国庆日-----National Day (BELGIUM)
22日 法兰国家复兴节-----Rebirth of Poland
23日 埃及国庆日-----National Day (EGYPT)
26日 利比利亚独立日-----Independence Day (LIBERIA)
马尔代夫独立日-----Independence Day (MALDIVES)
28日 秘鲁独立日-----Independence Day (PERU)
30日 瓦努阿图独立日-----Independence Day (VANUATU)

8 月
1日 瑞士联邦成立日-----Foundation of the Confederation (SWITZERLAND)
4日 布基纳法索国庆日-----National Day (BURKINA-FASO)
5日 牙买加独立日-----Independence Day (JAMAICA)
6日 玻利维亚独立日-----Independence Day (BOLIVIA)
10日 厄瓜多尔独立日-----Independence Day (EQUADOR)
15日 刚国国庆日-----National Day (THE GONGO)
17日 加蓬独立日-----Independence Day (GABON)
19日 阿富汗独立日-----Independence Day (AFCHANISTAN)
23日 罗马尼亚国庆日-----National Day (ROMANIA)
31日 马来西亚国庆日-----National Day (MALAYSIA)

1日 利比亚九月*节-----The Great 1st of September Revolution (LIBYA)
2日 越南国庆日-----National Day (VIET NAM)
3日 圣马力诺国庆日-----National Day (SAN MARINO)
7日 巴西独立日-----Independence Day (BRAZIL)
9日 朝鲜共和国日-----Day of the Founding of DPPK
12日 佛得角国庆日-----National Day (CAPE VERDE)
埃塞俄比亚人民*日-----The people's Revolution Day (ETHIOPIA)
16日 墨西哥独立节-----Independence Day (Mexico)
18日 智利独立日-----Independence Day (CHILE)
22日 马里宣布独立日-----Proclamation of Independence (MALI)
30日 博茨瓦纳独立日-----Independence Day (BOTSWANA)

1日 塞浦路斯国庆日-----National Day (CYPRUS)
尼日利亚国庆日-----National Day (NIGERIA)
2日 几内亚宣布独立日-----Prodclamation of the Republic (GUINEA)
9日 乌干达独立日-----Independence Day (UGANDA)
10日 斐济国庆日-----National Day (FIJI)
12日 西班牙国庆日-----National Day (SPAIN)
赤道几内牙国庆节-----National Day (Equatorial Guinea)
21日 索马里十月*节-----21st October Revolution (SOMALIA)
24日 联合国日-----UN Day
赞比来独立日-----Independence Day (ZAMBIA)
26日 奥地利国庆日-----National Day (AUSTRIA)
28日 希腊国庆节-----National Day (Greece)
29日 土耳其共和国日-----Prodclamation of the Republic (TURKEY)

11 月
1日 阿尔及里亚11月*节-----The Revolution Day of 1st November, 1954
11日 安哥拉独立节-----Independence Day (Angola)
15日 比利时国王日-----King's Day (BELGIUM)
18日 阿曼国庆日-----National Day (OMAN)
19日 摩纳哥国庆节-----National Day (Monaco)
22日 黎巴嫩独立日-----Independence Day (LEBANON)
24日 扎伊尔第二共和国日-----Anniversary of the Second Republic (ZAIRE)
28日 毛里塔尼亚独立日-----Independence Day (MARITANIA)
29日 南斯拉夫共和国日-----Republic Day (YUGOSLAVIA)

12 月
1日 中非国庆日-----National Day (CENTRAL AFRICA)
2日 老挝国庆日-----National Day (LAOS)
阿拉伯酋长国国庆日-----National Day (UAE)
5日 泰国国王日-----Birthday Anniversary of His Majesty King Adolyadej
6日 芬兰独立日-----Independence Day (FINLAND)
7日 象牙海岸国庆日-----National Day (IVORY COAST)
12日 肯尼亚独立日-----Independence Day (KENYA)
17日 不丹国庆节-----National Day (Bhutan)
18日 尼日尔国庆日-----National Day (NIGER)
28日 尼泊尔国王生日-----Birthday of H.M. King Birendara

热心网友 时间:2023-09-19 12:08



"National Day Praises" The motherland, you have passed through the extraordinary 55 years, looked like a baby to grow into the maturity, today you are being full of the energy, was sending out the vigorous vitality, you have had the tribulation, also had has laughed heartily. Has had been through repeatedly ruggedly rough, will be happier tomorrow. For 55 years, you have had the earth-shaking change, your people are day by day prosperous and powerful. Your national strength is day by day formidable. You condensed the world Chinese people's heart! You have won the world respect vision. Now your spirit exerted oneself, entered the new century, today, in the holiday which this joyfully celebrates, I from the moral nature to you said, the motherland, you were good!



"National Day", this means the celebration of the country, was first found in the Western Jin Dynasty. The Western Jin Dynasty writer Lu Ji ", and other five leaders of the" one paper had a "National Day of its alone bring benefits to their main worry Mo harm," the records of our feudal era, national celebration of the event, the emperor is too great to ascend to the throne of the birth of (Said of the Qing Dynasty Emperor's birthday festival for the long live). Thus the emperor ascended the throne of ancient China, known as the birth of the "National Day." , Said today the country for the anniversary of the establishment of the National Day.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-19 12:08


“ 国庆”一词,本指国家喜庆之事,最早见于西晋。西晋的文学家陆机在《五等诸侯论》一文中就曾有“国庆独飨其利,主忧莫与其害”的记载、我国封建时代、国家喜庆的大事,莫大过于帝王的登基、诞辰(清朝称皇帝的生日为万岁节)等。因而我国古代把皇帝即位、诞辰称为“国庆”。今天称国家建立的纪念日为国庆。


Nodal background of Chinese great occasion of nation
One phrase of" great occasion of nation", a nation is pleased to celebrate of matter, was see in the west Jin at the earliest stage.The author six machines of the west Jin are in 《 fifth wait various theory 》 one text once have" great occasion of nation only the its benefit, the main sorrow harms with it" to jot down, the important event that our country feudal age, nation is pleased to celebrate, great too Caesarean mount the throne, birthday( the Manchu Dynasty calls the birthday of the emperor as the long live stanza) etc..As a result the ancient times of our country ascends the throne the emperor, the birthday is called" great occasion of nation".Call that the anniversary of the national establishment celebrates for the country today.

On October 1 in 1949, it is the anniversary that new China establish.The here should explain 1:00, in many persons' impression, Tienanmen Square of l day at Peking of October of 1949 holds to count the People's Republic of China that 100,000 armed forces and people attend to found a nation the big .In fact, this impression within people's brains prohibits also indeed.Isn't to found a nation the big because, the ceremony that hold in Tienanmen Square on October 1 was central people's government of the People's Republic of China in 1949 to establish the prosperous ,.Actually, the People's Republic of China" found a nation", also is to say that the People's Republic of China establish, as early as that year previous week of October 1 has already declared.Also don'ted call at that time" founded a nation the big ", but call" founded a nation the prosperous ".Time is September 21 in 1949.This day, the Chinese domestic affairs cures to negotiate the meeting to prepare and plan the meeting director the hair 泽 east helps the first batch meeting in the 政 up with the result that of open to have already announced new naissance of China in the phrase.
So a day of great occasion of nation is what is the row again October?Cure to negotiate the national committee of the meeting first batch in the Chinese domestic affairs meeting for the first time up, wide the even speech say:" MA3 XU4 LUN2's member of committee asks for leave and can't come, he gives me to say, the People's Republic of China establish, should have the great occasion of nation for day, so hope to will decide to settle October 1 to celebrate the day for the country originally." The hair 泽 east say" we should make on suggest, suggest toward the government, decide from the government." On October 2 in 1949, central people's government pass 《 concerning resolution of the People's Republic of China great occasion of nation day 》 , provision every year October 1 celebrates the day for the country, and be the day that announce the People's Republic of China's establish this day.
From now on, October 1 of every year became the festival that national and each with solemn and impressive clansmen people celebrate。


热心网友 时间:2023-09-19 12:09




National Day material -- various countries National Day origin The National Day is each national important holiday, but the name has differently. Many countries are called "the National Day" or "the National Day", but also has some countries to call "the independent date" or "the independent festival", also some calling "republican date", "republic date", "revolutionary date", "liberation date", "national revival festival", "constitution date" and so on, but also has directly to the country's name adds on "the date", like "the Australian date", "the Pakistani date", some take king's birthday or ascends the base date as the National Day, in case king changes, National Day specific date also along with it replacement. Every time meets the National Day, the various countries all must hold the different form celebration, strengthens the our country people's patriotic consciousness, the enhancement country cohesive force. Between the various countries also all

热心网友 时间:2023-09-19 12:10

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