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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-03 18:50



热心网友 时间:2023-01-23 02:04

  It is the Army Day of the Chinese People's Liberation Army on August 1. It stems from the August 1 Nanchang Uprising which the Chinese Party members lead of revolutionary period of the people's mainly main justice in China. The August 1 Nanchang Uprising for will it be August 1 1927, fire Communist Party of China arms resist the Kuomintang first rifle of reactionaries, indicate China enters the Communist Party of China and leads the new period for revolution of arms independently, mark the birth of the new people's army of China.

篇一:建军节的英语作文 I slowly opened the calendar, on August 1st, army day. Don't know why, since the childhood to military has a strange respect. Think they are terrible, very handsome. When I stood before the draw chart of a people's army, looking at the ying-zi ...


Army Day is celebrated on August 1 to commemorate the Nanchang Uprising. This was the first Koumintang-Communist engagement in the Chinese civil war. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, August 1 was chosen to commemorate the People’s Liberation Army. And use t...


commemorate the birth of the people's army.


August 1 each year is the anniversary of the People's Liberation Army, also called the "August 1" Army Day. Its origin is: at 2:00 on the August 1, 1927 to front line Committee headed by Zhou Enlai and He Long, Ye Ting, Zhu De, Liu and other leaders of the 20,000 ...

求一篇“八一建军节和我”的英语作文 60词左右

August 1 each year is the anniversary of the People's Liberation Army, also called the "August 1" Army Day. Its origin is: at 2:00 on the August 1, 1927 to front line Committee headed by Zhou Enlai and He Long, Ye Ting, Zhu De, Liu and other leaders of the 20,000 ...

今天是建军节 英语作文

你就是盛开的英雄花,笑傲风云迎接洗礼带来春天。你红心一片,是我们心中永远不倒的红红的旗帜。你如祥云红遍,给祖国人民带来安宁的红霞满天。 军队是我的家,军缘是我的血脉,军魂是我的一生,军人是我心中的英雄! 在八一建军节之际,最想献给军人英雄的花,是我心中,那火红火红的英雄花!


August 1 of each year is the anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, commonly known as the "August 1" Army Day.On August 1, 1927, the Communist Party of China led more than 30,000 Northern Expeditionary troops. Under the leadership of Zhou Enlai, ...


Dear uncle's people's liberation army (PLA) :How do you do!Recently, your mood? The body also ok? I was a second grader, here, in the form of a letter to express my best wishes to you.You risked their lives to save, you from several kilometres skydiving, you don't ...

中国节日礼节 英语作文

中国青年节(5月4日)ChineseYouthDay 护士节(5月12日)Nurses'Festival 端午节(农历五月初五)theDragonBoatFestival 国际儿童节(6月1日)InternationalChildren'sDay 中国共产党成立纪念日(7月1日)theParty'sBirthday 建军节(8月1日)theArmy'sDay 中秋节(农历八月十五)Mid-autumn(Moon)Festival 教师节(...

作文:今天是“八月一日” 550字以上。


英文作文800字作文 英文作文100字左右带翻译 英文作文50字左右 英语作文200字左右 500字英文作文大全 英文日记100字左右 100字的作文英语 英语小作文100字 一篇英语作文100字
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