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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-21 14:43



热心网友 时间:2023-01-23 16:37

  我为你准备的地震发生时的防范 措施 的 英语 作文 。地震来袭时,有效的应对 方法 能给你带来不小的帮助。

  if you have received possibly have the earthquake warning, continuesto maintain listens to the local broadcasting station newest reportand the suggestion, like the suggestion switches off the liquid gas,the power source. greatly but the heavy object from high will put onto take away. the jar, the glass, the chinaware and other brittlethings admit in the low cabinet, the baggage shelf should have keepsoff the hand by to prevent the object whereabouts. the cabinet gateshould shut tightly, moves away to be hanging the object. belowprepares the goods by to prepare urgently needs: fresh fresh water andemergency food, flashlight, fire extinguisher. is far away thesepossibly to fall is pounding your thing, possibly can eradicate inoutdoors trees, in the small town construction even if enough issturdy cannot destroy, the chippings also possibly fall. runs awayspacious to place most ideal, but if does not have the enough time,stays is possibly safer in the room, on the avenue speech, the gaspiping or the electric wire which bursts can increase the risk. passesin and out the human is most dangerous, extremely easily is wounded bythe building in bricks and stones.

  in room: when the earthquake occurs, if in the indoors, stays ininside, extinguishes the fire, is far away the glass is specially thebig window (including mirror and so on). in the room quoin or has thegood strut internal way is good seeking asylum place. perhaps the lowground or the basement can provide the best survival opportunity.hides in under the table bottom or other firm furniture, this not onlycan provide the protection to you, moreover also has the big breathspace. when store, is far away the big cargo exhibition hall, thesecargos possibly can drop down. also is loaded with the elevator in themultilayered building in the office, in-situ hides in the desk bottom.do not enter the elevator, the staircase also possibly can crowd thepanic-stricken people.

  che zhong: as far as possible quickly and safely stops - but stays inthe vehicle may avoid hit by the whereabouts object. crouches inhiding under the seat, if has the thing to fall on the vehicle, youwill be able to obtain the protection. when vibrates stops down, theattention observation obstacle and possibly appears danger: destroyedthe electric cable, damages the path and collapses bridge.outdoors: when outdoors lie in the ground, do not have to run. thiscan throw down, also possibly is embezzled by the crack. is far awaythe big construction. toward underground walk or do not enter thegallery, this can cause to be stranded. like you already prepared tothe outdoors, did not return to in the building. the earthquake causesany construction not too to be all reliable for the first time, ifthen again occurs slightly shakes, the building can cave in. is saferto the summit. in the pitch earth stone is easy to fall, if crushes bythe number thousand ton heavy soil block or the rock (they to havefearful speed), very little has the opportunity which fortunatelysurvives. rolls equally on the place like the ball changes thesurvival.

  beach place: so long as under the cliff cannot the suitable security,but because the tsunami follows the earthquake but to come frequently,therefore after vibrates stops leaving the beach as soon as possibleto the higher open field shift. the aftershock risk did not like thetsunami to be so fearful.
  When walking outside


  Take caution against falling objects, such as signs and broken windows. Tools and construction materials can fall down at a construction site. Protect your head with your bag or coat and keep at a distance from tall buildings. Stone walls and pillars can also fall down and are potentially dangerous.

  当心坠落的物体,例如 广告 牌和破碎的窗户。建筑工具和材料有可能从建筑工地跌落。用包或大衣保护自己的头部,和高层建筑保持距离。石墙和柱子也可能会倒塌,从而带来安全隐患。

  When driving a car


  Firmly hold the steering wheel, graally rece speed, park your car on the side of the road, and stop the engine. Listen to information on the radio and find out what is happening. If you need to evacuate, leave your keys, keep the doors unlocked, and walk away with your car documents and valuables.


  When underground or in a subway


  The shaking you feel when you are underground is about half of what you would experience over ground. Additionally, underground areas have strong structures and are safer than high-rise buildings. Calmly evacuate, following instructions from shop clerks and subway staff.


  When in high-rise building


  Elevators with earthquake sensors will stop at the nearest floor. Immediately leave the elevator. If you get stuck in the elevator, use the intercom to contact someone outside and wait for rescue. When you evacuate from buildings, never use elevators, listen to announcements, and use the stairs to leave the building.


  When near the ocean


  Head for higher ground and carefully listen to tsunami information. Do not go near the ocean until tsunami warnings have been cleared. Don’t even think about going to watch tsunamis!

  The sichuan earthquake let us once again feel "security" is so important that we must be alert, study the defense measures, the earthquake is we note: The first point is worth noting strong earthquake occurs, the crack in the home can temporarily hide a solid furniture such as bed, table below, or kitchen, toilet, etc. Should leave quickly outdoor, after being evacuated to protect the head, soft pillow usable will protect the head. Live in the high-rise buildings in the pers on cannot use the elevator, also don't run to the balcony, particularly can't jump. Second, is class of students and kindergarten children should be hiding in the desk and small under the bed. Listen to the teacher, don't run away. In public places of entertainment, people should adjust measures to local conditions, avoid to table, chair, protect the head on both sides of the counter together, not to the exit. Third, passengers should seize the seat or car, don't rush to get strong components. Running vehicles for emergency parking, trying to stop in the open places.Fourth, if is across the bridge, will hold QiaoLanGan main-earthquake, close to the shore immediately after the transfer. Finally, in the streets of personnel in the narrow tunnel not stay, don't hide into wires, chimney and tall buildings.If the earthquake coming again, I think we no longer fear and panic, If the earthquake coming again, I think we have to learn how to take care of yourself.
瑞安皇都大厦几个电梯 办签证和护照的具体步骤和一共的费用!我需要详细一点的答案. 办护照流程 办护照的流程是什么 哪位推荐几部韩剧啊!!要像豪杰春香,魔女幼熙这样的,剧情要感人,最好是... 小阴唇内应该是光滑的吗,阴道口痒为什么 阴道口有像草莓样正常吗 任氏族谱字辈:世秉忠贞 永达明玉起 国正天元律迎祖大继昌 河南夏氏家谱辈分我是永城市酂城镇夏氏夏世界具家谱记载洪武二年始祖良... 夏侯姓字辈排行 夏氏辈行,我爷爷明字辈,我父亲应字辈,我是崇字辈,后面是什么辈? 如何化解员工的抱怨情绪 人最易产生的情绪是抱怨,如何让人预防并远离抱怨? 菌菇西葫芦的做法步骤图,菌菇西葫芦怎么做 瓦房店永宁镇八一水库可以钓鱼吗 长春八一水库钓鱼,是否收费,没有没出租鱼竿的? 长春八一水库钓鱼怎么样?- 问一问 怀孕初期能喝海带汤吗 乖乖兔蛋糕卷的做法,乖乖兔蛋糕卷怎么做好吃 8月份什么海鲜最肥美 南京路步行街外滩城隍庙上海老街豫园田子坊路线 考初级统计证需要哪些书籍,有没有专业的培训, 杭州统计证有培训班吗? 统计证的培训及考试 上海如家复旦店到思南路,田仔坊,城隍庙怎么走 疟原虫是异氧厌氧性生物么 疟原虫寄生,应该无氧呼吸,怎么可能有线粒体呢??? 一开五孔插座怎么接照明灯 从上海的城隍庙到火车站近,还是田子坊到火车站近? 田子坊到城隍庙豫园怎么走 上海田子坊到城隍庙具体路线怎么走 六级风的符号怎么画 拜托,急需一个作文,关于做好事留名不留名,记叙文,议论文都可以,高中作文!!! 当在职场中遇到上司的骚扰,你会选择如何处理? 上司不断骚扰,我该怎么办? 酷我音乐盒我制作好铃声点了保存,但不知道保存哪了 人间真情的名人名言 TNY276PN代换tny267吗? TNY276PN可以用TNY264PN代换吗?- 问一问 手发干发白身体怕冷是什么毛病 我的手一到秋冬季节就特别干。手心中没有一点水分,手背干得发白,该怎么办啊 手上有厚皮,发白,发干的那种,是手癣吗?用什么方法治疗好? 手指之间比较干,发白 每到冬天手掌皮肤很硬发白,手皮肤很干燥,手心一年四季不出汗,碰水就变得很白,颜色很难看,夏天就会 预算书做好后如何生成打印- 问一问 请问报表在打印预览时,提示"打印页面尺寸进销存:打印页面太小,生成打印页面的过程被终止,如何解决?_百度问一问 表现人间真情的名言 表现人间真情的名言 谁有?? 急需!!! 电影方志敏的演员叫什么名字? 李幼斌演上将是什么电视 求一个电影名字 里面有一个黑帮教父被关押 押解的过程中好多信徒去救他