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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-08 00:35



热心网友 时间:2023-11-28 19:52

Have you ever heard Harry Potter
应该给heard of 或者 heard about
when I read the book in my first time
不大好,改为 for the first time
I want to live in the world
什么意思, 是 in the world full of magic??
visit all of the beautiful or lod place
lod 什么意思不懂
relaxtion 拼错了 应为relaxation
Oh,and I
and 去掉
but in my heart, they always be true
be true 不对,they are always ture

热心网友 时间:2023-11-28 19:53

My dreams
Hi,I’m Joy.
Do you know Martin Luther King?He had a quite famous speech called”I Have A Dream”.Yes,he had a great dream,and it has come true.Everyone has lots of dreams.I have lots of dreams as well.Some may come true,but others are only dreams.
Have you ever heard Harry Potter?It’s a very famous story.I’ve been mad on that novel for several years.I was attached to the world which is filled with magic and strange things in the story when I read the book in my first time.I always want to have my own wand and broomstick,and…I want to live in the world!However,it’s only a wonderful dream.
In the real world,I want to be a doctor.When I was very young,some doctor saved my grandfather’s life.I want to be a doctor since then.As I grew older,my interests in the medicine grew.Now,I think doctor is one of the most sacred job in the world,and I want to join them one day.
Oh,and I want to travel around the world in the future.I want to visit all of the beautiful or lod place in the world!It will bring me enjoyment,relaxtion and lots of new knowledge. And when I was free,I want to be a guide.
I have lots of other dreams.Maybe some will never come true,but in my heart, they always be true.追问请问您改了吗?????………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………6

热心网友 时间:2023-11-28 19:53

My dreams
Hi,I’m Joy.
Do you know Martin Luther King?He had a quite famous speech called”I Have A Dream”.Yes,he had a great dream,and it has come true.Everyone has lots of dreams.I have lots of dreams as well.Some may come true,but others are only dreams.
Have you ever heard Harry Potter?It’s a very famous story.I’ve been mad on that novel for several years.I was attached to the world which is filled with magic and strange things in the story when I read the book in my first time.I always want to have my own wand and broomstick,and…I want to live in the world!However,it’s only a wonderful dream.
In the real world,I want to be a doctor.When I was very young,some doctor saved my grandfather’s life.I want to be a doctor since then.As I grew older,my interests in the medicine grew.Now,I think doctor is one of the most sacred job in the world,and I want to join them one day.
Oh,and I want to travel around the world in the future.I want to visit all of the beautiful or lod place in the world!It will bring me enjoyment,relaxtion and lots of new knowledge. And when I was free,I want to be a guide.
I have lots of other dreams.Maybe some will never come true,but in my heart, they always be true.

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