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Nobody'S Angel (Lp Version) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 23:17



热心网友 时间:2023-09-18 07:49

歌曲名:Nobody'S Angel (Lp Version)
歌手:Nanci Griffith
专辑:The Dustbowl Symphony

i pretended i'm glad you went away
these four walls closin' more every day
and i'm dying inside
and nobody knows it but me
like a clown i put on a show
the pain is real even if nobody knows
and i'm crying inside
and nobody knows it but me
why didn't i say
the things i needed to say
how could i let my angel get away
now my world is just a tumblin' down
i can say it so clearly
but you're nowhere around
the nights are lonely the days are so sad
and i just keep thinkin' about
the love that we had
and i'm missin' you
and nobody knows it but me
i carry a smile when i'm broken in two
and i'm nobody without someone like you
i'm tremblin' inside and nobody knows it but me
i lie awake it's a quarter past three
i'm screamin' at night as if i thought
you'd hear me
yeah my heart is callin' you
and nobody knows it but me
how blue can i get
you could ask my heart
but like a jigsaw puzzle it's been torn all apart
a million words couldn't say just how i feel
a million years from now you know
i'll be lovin' you still
the nights are lonely the days are so sad
and i just keep thinkin' about
the love that we had
and i'm missin' you
and nobody knows it but me
tomorrow mornin' i'm hitting the sty road
gonna find you wherever ever you might go
i'm gonna unload my heart and hope you come back to me
said when the nights are lonely
the nights are lonely the days are so sad
and i just keep thinkin' about
the love that we had
and i'm missin' you
and nobody knows it but me
the nights are lonely the days are so sad
and i just keep thinkin' about
the love that we had
and i'm missin' you
and nobody knows it but me
the nights are lonely the days are so sad
and i just keep thinkin' about
the love that we had
and i'm missin' you

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