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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-01 10:40



热心网友 时间:2023-01-25 16:04








  There are three people in my family, my father, my mother and I.

  Tell me about my dad! My father's food is the number one in our family, but he often comes home and sits on the sofa reading the newspaper, so I have to make my mother cook. Until my mother said it was time to eat, he sat in front of the table and ate. He went to the newspaper after dinner. Sometimes when I ask him a question, he will only click his head. But my father washes the dishes cleanly and quickly.

  Tell me about my mother! She can work but can clean our house all day. When I was in school, my mother often got up at five o 'clock and called me up, and the delicious food was ready. She often helps me review (lessons). I love her very much.

  And finally, say me! I don't read a book (when I think) and don't read it when I pick up the book. Sometimes I read (at) ten o 'clock, until my eyes were closed.

  Our family is a happy family. I love my parents very much.


  I come from a big family.There are six persons in my family.Besides my parents,I have an elder brother,an elder sister,and a younger brother.

  My father is a worker who works in a machine tool plant.He has been working there since Liberation.My mother is a typical chinese housewife.She takes care of the whole house-

  hold.My elder brother is an engineer in a chemical research institute in Beijing. My elder sister is a junior middle school music teacher in Shanghai,and my younger brother is now studying in a senior high school in my hometown.

  We love our parents and they love us,and the brothers and sisters always encourage and help each other.We are a happy family.


  I think everyone has a happy home! I am no exception, and I have a happy family. I lived in this home and grew up in this family. It was the family that raised me. Living in the home, like life in the honeypot, my home is like a small and exquisite, is located in a village, there is a claim as the countryside, but I feel a little also not as inferior as the city.

  There are three people in my family. There are parents and I, I am the only child, let father and mother love more. Throughout the year, we live an ordinary life.

  Spring is bright and the sky is blue. The newly germinated tree was dragging a small, dainty nest, which was so leisurely. My father and mother are busy all day long, and every morning when I get up, I see only delicious food. In retrospect, it was just the busy back of my parents. At noon, I also occasionally make lunch for my parents, waiting for their return. Although I am lonely, I am very happy; Summer, summer rain, cloudy.

  The summer is very romantic, very quiet, my father and mother are not so busy, almost every day at home accompany me to play, study, the mountain play water. Also take me to catch cicadas at noon. Let me feel the warmth and atmosphere of home;

  Autumn, autumn leaves fall, a sight of gold. The wild leaves piled up into the hills, and I saw my parents' busy back in the sunshine. Every day they are very busy. Tired as they were, they looked at the fruits of the harvest, in their hearts as sweet as honey, with a sweet smile on their faces. Occasionally I will help and see their sweet smiles.

  Autumn and winter come, the cold wind blows, the wind and snow, the sky and earth connect, snow and ice. Opening the door, a cold chill made people shiver. Finally, my parents can relax, in the snow and snow, my father and mother will accompany me to snowball fights, make snowmen, in the blink of an eye, we are like a happy note. A snowball fight, a snowman's crash and laughter, echoed in a happy family

  Home is home, rich or poor, he is my only home. Although he has been silent all the time, his position but nothing can be replaced. My home, you pay too much for us, how many words can I use to praise you, my dear home, my lovely home!

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