问答文章1 问答文章501 问答文章1001 问答文章1501 问答文章2001 问答文章2501 问答文章3001 问答文章3501 问答文章4001 问答文章4501 问答文章5001 问答文章5501 问答文章6001 问答文章6501 问答文章7001 问答文章7501 问答文章8001 问答文章8501 问答文章9001 问答文章9501


发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-28 05:05



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 16:05

1.Scientists defeated the cholera.
Scientists defeated infectious cholera.
Young scientists to defeat infectious cholera
Young scientists in the United Kingdom to defeat infectious cholera

2.Victim was an expert.
Victim was a well-known experts.
Sadness of the victims were a well-known experts.
Sadness of the victims were a well-known laser expert

3.Physicians proposed a theory.
Physicians has proposed a scientific theory

4.I attended the meeting.
I am pleased to attend the important meeting.
I am pleased to attend the important meeting on the radium

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 16:05

1:scientist defeated cholera
scientist defeated contagious cholera.
young scientist defeated contagious cholera.
young scientist defeated contagious cholera in England

2:the victim is a specialist
the victim is a famous specialist
the grieve victim is a famous specialist
the grieve victim is a famous radium specialist

3:the internist posted a theory
the internist posted a scientific theory

4:i attended the meeting
i attended the meeting in a cheerful mood
i attended a meeting about radium cheerfully

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 16:06

Scientists defeated the cholera.
Scientists defeated the infective cholera.
The young scientist defeated the infective cholera.
The young scientist defeated the infective cholera in England.
The victim is an expert.
The victim is a famous expert.
The sad victim is a famous expert.
The sad victim is a famous Radium expert.
Phsicians proposed an theory.
Phsicians proposed a scientific theory.
I attended the meeting.
I attended the important meeting.
I attended the important meeting about radium.
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