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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 23:58



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 00:59


Early, feel at home online class, although the learning time is free. However, e to the lack of face-to-face communication between teachers and students, there is no intuitive feeling, less interaction in class, and no sound of students answering questions, I feel that the online class is boring.


However, as time goes by, I find that online classes can also connect with teachers and classmates. Can also be in the group and students interactive answer, learning effect has also improved a lot, to learn the original knowledge points that do not know, is really a good learning platform!


Through this online class, I not only learned the knowledge, but also felt the teacher's care and love for us, and increased the communication between the students. More understand the teachers in the good intentions, I must cherish, with all actions to return the teacher!




adj. 联机的;在线的

adv. 在线地


You can chat to other people who are online.



n. 科目;课程;过程;进程;道路;路线,航向;一道菜

vt. 追赶;跑过

vi. 指引航线;快跑


The course lasts five weeks. 


热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 01:00



Novel coronavirus pneumonia has emerged when the Chinese people are happy to have the Spring Festival, which has prevented many families from reunited. As a result, students can only study at home and watch online classes on computers or mobile phones.


The first day of online class, I was still in a state of anxiety. After all, I didn't take it before. I was worried that I couldn't go to the class. Fortunately, everything went smoothly. After a few weeks of online learning, I have a deep feeling: I can understand what is said in the online class, and I can watch it again and again when I don't understand the topic. The teacher is also very detailed. I also take notes like I did in school. In addition, after class, the teacher will arrange relevant exercises and related live explanations, so that I can consolidate my study.


However, many students have online classes at the same time. If they log in late, they have to wait for a long time. Sometimes the class network will get stuck and have to wait for a while or change the line to see it. In order to solve this problem, the teacher has prepared the document in advance, so that we can have a class at ease. If we can't read it, we can talk to the teacher, so we don't have to worry about the bad network.


However, because only 30 minutes or so, the lecture is finished, and the essence of a class is condensed in half an hour. When the teacher meets long texts, he will spend two classes, and will talk about every detail. In the online class, for example, the two ancient poems can only be described in detail.


And I write slowly, often take notes will take a long time, only half an hour of online class I may spend more time to learn. After class, it will take some time to digest. If there is no live explanation from our teacher, I will also have a hard time learning.


However, I still have gains: through online classes, even if I learn later, I can still learn a lot of knowledge ring this period. In addition, our teachers will also urge us to learn, and after school, we will not fall behind a lot. I hope the epidemic can end earlier and go to school.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 01:00


热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 01:01


热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 01:01

厦门有哪些建材店 六年级的我们会想些什么 为什么我没用平安信用卡里面的钱工作人员还说我有欠款没还? 抖音直播间粉丝等级怎么算的呀? ...不记得,只知道大概是那里人,精确查找还可以找到吗 几年前我被好友拖到黑名单 怎么找回她的qq号 微信好友被删了,还可以找回来吗,号码什么都不记得了, 家里的座机和手机绑定,中途可不可以换个手机号绑定?老号想注销!!_百 ... 我的手机卡是和固定电话捆绑的,一个月前手机丢了,今天交话费才知捡到... 移动机卡绑定问题 蚂蚁森林怎么能查到小编有没有回复自己留言? 学生上网课的心得体会? 别人放话我的蚂蚁森林其他好友能看见吗? 现场拍照APP用元道经纬相机靠谱吗? 钴股票,钴概念股有哪些 家长陪孩子上网课的感受有哪些? 蚂蚁森林放话记录被看七次怎么回事 元道经纬相机怎么注册账号? 说说最近自己上网课的收获50字? 在家上网课的心得体会? 作文题目上网课以来的心得体会? 蚂蚁森林每次收到悄悄话都能提示吗? 听完网课之后的感受作文? 怎么查看蚂蚁森林的聊天? 一周网课学习你的感受300字作文? 蚂蚁森林的弹屏信息可以回看吗,有没有消息记录的? 网课感受作文400? 蚂蚁森林留过的言在哪里可以看? 上网课到返校什么感受400字? 停课不停学的感悟和体会有哪些? 蚂蚁森林朋友已发过来的动态消息看过以后怎样再查看? 上网课的感受英语作文? 在家上网课,你有什么感受? 寒锐钴业为什么这么多人买?寒锐钴业2021全年业绩?寒锐钴业股份新浪财经? 寒锐钴业是什么公司?寒锐钴业连续三年业绩?寒锐钴业股票属于什么股票? 寒锐钴业为什么这么贵?寒锐钴业2021业绩中报?寒锐钴业股票财经新浪网? 寒锐钴业最近为什么涨得这么快?寒锐钴业2021半年报业绩预测?寒锐钴业目前股票图怎样? 元道经纬相机备注栏内容为什么去不掉? 股票寒锐钴业是什么公司?寒锐钴业历年融资后股价?寒锐钴业吧? 寒锐钴业市值怎么那么高?寒锐钴业今天涨还是跌?寒锐钴业股票分红派股? 钴概念股票有哪些 寒锐钴业高盛估值?寒锐钴业合理股价是多少?明日寒锐钴业走势? 寒锐钴业2022目标价?寒锐钴业投资股票股吧?寒锐钴业 2021 分红派息? 寒锐钴业股票目前走势?寒锐钴业深度分析股价?寒锐钴业重大利好消息? 寒锐钴业股是什么行业?寒锐钴业股票业绩好吗?寒锐钴业 属于什么板块? 微信把聊天列表删除了聊天记录怎么恢复 微信可以把群聊和个人聊天分开吗? 金属钴概念股有哪些 金属钴概念股有哪些 微信把聊天记录删了怎么找群