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  Temperature and humidity varied regional decorative brick wall Panels, and prevention of quality problems

  Layer of plaster to be irrigated. To prevent the mortar matrix was quickly drain the water, affecting the decorative tile and the substrate between a good combination. In the shady side with layers of mortar can be mixed with a certain amount of YJ a binder 302 to enhance the decorative tile and the matrix bond strength. (4) quality standards by fitting error is less than the level of construction joints] mm, surface smooth, flat seams street corner Founder and error is less than 2mm. Vertical elevation error is less than 3mm. Surface should be smooth, clean, color coordinated. Joints should be filled embedded dense, straight lines, the same width, same color. Prominence when cut with a whole set of bricks. Edges should be neat. Dado, smooth cheek so catchy to highlight the thickness of the wall to be consistent. 2.3 The focus on the choice of tile material (1) decorative brick surface should be smooth. Neat edge,true religion outlet, edges and corners intact. Pre-construction should make, model, size and color matching and classification for serious, smooth surface,herve leger toronto, the same color, can not have cracks and dark marks. (2) changing temperature and humidity in Shenyang, in the natural environment, it provides water absorption not greater than 8. (3) The tiles have a deep groove on the back, not linked to the glaze. 2.4 Act I pull the seam applied decorative brick wall construction joints should adopt the pull method of construction, that is when the tile Xiangtie, opened a gap between the tile,Beats By Dre Headphones, the tile to provide an extension of the space. The size of the tile joints pull coefficient of thermal expansion and the construction process and a general case, the horizontal mortar joint is 5 ~ 7mm, the vertical mortar joint of 6 ~ 8mm. Wei Volume 560 Building Technology Section l9 seam thickness is lower than the tile 3 ~ Smm, and cement mortar with 1t2 strict hook (Figure 1). ? ~ 1 decorative brick section of the plane and around 1-1:2} 2 a cement mortar pointing tile (glazed brick or split off) 3-1:1.5 never mixed mortar or 1-2 end station layer. Thickness of 5 ~ Smm} 4-1-2.5 or 1t3 cement mortar layer. Thickness 15 ~ 20mm} 5 a base Xing (lightweight concrete block walls and large, hollow brick, common brick) Xiangtie pull stitch decorative brick, not only the surface decoration lines clear, clean and generous, with strong three-dimensional and eliminates temperature change flJ trapped tiles from the compressive stress. Pull the seam and the use of sub-grid operation,vibram five fingers outlet, saving 16 of the decorative brick, a significant rection in costs. China Medical University, Ward Building and other 20,000 square meters of wall surface decoration using pull-stitch construction project, after three years, severe cold and heat test, tiles crack Soy does not appear, burst skin, shedding, and so on. Project quality is good. 2.5 conscientiously protect the finished proct (1) tile surface to prevent a sudden shock load to bear a strong moment of the impact of the tiles should have been Xiangtie various objects on the surface of the bump to prevent damage. (2) partial veneer damage, shall promptly repair, replace the tile, anti-surface continue to develop or damaged a large area off the phenomenon. Please click here to subscribe to the year 1993 the local post office They will give you the theoretical knowledge taught in architecture and construction of new technologies to provide examples of various construction and construction experience, to help you solve technical problems in construction, provided you ensure the quality, safety, improve efficiency and cost-effective measures. Publishes construction design. Materials, machinery, equipment installation, component proction and other aspects of new technology, new achievements, to teach the construction and design technology and management experience, providing quality control measures for accident management Jing and Lu work experience and technical data. Other notable features are the most technical album and more. Has great practical and conservation value. Color _J dry to have been edited more than 140 albums. Been widely welcomed by the domestic construction unit and application. Safety Corner, learning standards, overseas exposure and test engineering consulting, and technology-mail, Reader's Digest, architecture and life, rural architecture, landscape architecture History of architecture,Beats By Dre Studio, building flower beds, and many other club published the first lyrical part. innovative, technical and practical, knowledge-rich . text popular. layout vivid. or near the post office subscription proceres, do not miss the opportunity. U ¨ unUnq core EEh. Ⅲ
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