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发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-22 09:56



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 16:15

在第二,三章中结合若干英汉商标实例, 探讨英汉文化差异在商标中的折射,并从价值观念、社会发展、宗教信仰和词语的联想意义等方面探讨跨文化因素对商标翻译的影响,叙述了音译(transliteration)直译(literal translation)与意译(free translation )三者的特点及其在商标英汉翻译中的具体表现和影响,为英汉商标翻译提供了参考。

This thesis is to explore the influences of intercultural communication factors on brand names translation, to study the special requirements of the translation and the corresponding translating techniques and to discusses the characters of relevant translation theories on translating practices.
The brand names is the vital component of a brand. It is not merely a name of proct; it also possesses economic values, influencing consumer’s psychology and purchasing decision. Besides, brand name have a certain cultural connotation, which can be endowed by procers or can derive from consumers’ associations. The same brand name may trigger different associations in customers, depending on their psychology, culture, value tendencies and customs.
Translating involves decoding and encoding between two languages, and the embedding of language with culture makes translating integrated with culture. Although the translating targets consist of just words or phrases, translation of brand names has its own characteristic. It is a kind of intercultural communication activity. It involves such factors as language rules, regional cultures, consumption psychology and value tendencies. Accordingly, in this process, translators will unavoidably deal with the transfer of intercultural connotation in brand names.
To translate brand names well, one need to have the basic knowledge about brand names . Thus, this paper first discusses the definition, formation, etc. brand names translation must be in conformity with the target culture, including religion, local customs, and values, etc.
In the second and third chapters of this paper, English and Chinese brand names are analyzed to show the influence of intercultural communication factors. Concepts of value, social development, mythologies and legends, and culture-loaded words’ associations all have influences on brand names translation. Thus the translator should take intercultural communication elements into consideration in brand names translation.
In conclusion, the author emphasize the important function and effect of the intercultural communication in the processes of brand names translation.

Chapter One Introction to Brand Names
I. General Survey of Brand Names
A. Definition of Brand and Brand Names
B. The Brand Name’s Function
II. The Roles of Brand Name Performed in the Intercultural Communication
Chapter Two Intercultural Communication and Brand Name’s Translation
I. Culture Reflected in Brand Names
A. The Relationship between Culture and Brand Name
B. A New Kind of Culture ---- Brand Culture
C. The Effect of Culture’s Flux and Difference to Brand Name
II. Brand Name Translation in an Intercultural Communication Perspective
A. The Culture Communication and Intercultural Communication
1. The Culture and Communication
2. The Definition of Intercultural Communication
B. In Intercultural Communication the Role and Function of Brand Name Translator
Chapter Three English-Chinese Brand Name Translation
I. The Culture-oriented Adaptation
A. The Importance of Culture Adaptation
B. In Culture Adaptation the Task of Translator
C. The Elements of Culture Adaptation
1. The Linguistic Choice in Culture Adaptation
2. The Aesthetic Attitude in Culture Adaptation
3. The History Element in Culture Adaptation
II. Principles of English-Chinese Brand Name Translation
A. The E-C Translation is a Key to Open the Chinese Market
B. Translation Principle of Imported Proct Brand name
1. Using Commendatory Terms Based on Consumer Psychological Needs
2. Correctly Informing Consumers by Proper Market Positioning
3. Brief and Impressive Version for Vivid and Distinct Image
4. Proper Choice of Chinese Terms with Traditional Cultural Features
III. Translation Methodology of English-Chinese Proct Brand name
A. Transliteration
1. The Definition and Advantage of Transliteration
2. The Successful Example of Transliteration
B. Literal Translation
1. The Definition and Advantage of Literal Translation
2. The Successful Example of Literal Translation
C. Free Translation
1. The Definition and Advantage of Free Translation
2. The Successful Example of Free Translation
D. A Combined Way of Sound and Meaning in Translation
1. The Definition and Advantage of the Combined Way
2. The Successful Example of the Combined Way
E. Examples of Successfully Translated Brand names
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