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求英语翻译 不要翻译机的 否则不给分啊

发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-19 22:05



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 07:50

Guilin is a world famous city well-known for its scenery, history and culture. It is located in 109 ° 36 'to 111 ° 29 ' of east longitude and 24 ° 15 'to 26 ° 23 ' of north latitude, on the south tip of Xiang-Gui Corridor. With an average elevation of 150 meters, it borders on Hunan Province to the north and northeast, adjacent to Liuzhou area on the west and southwest, to Wuzhou City on south and southeast and adjacent to Guangdong Province.

The essence of Guilin landscape is the Lijiang River which is widely recognized as a world-class scenic spot. Touring Lijiang River in Guilin means traveling by boat from Guilin down to Yangshuo, this 83 km water way connecting both landscape tourism of Guilin City and Yangshuo.

On the Mandarin Duck beach of the West Bank of the Lijiang River, about 46 kilometers from Guilin City, there are bamboo forests on either sides of YangDi bank, forming a ten-miles green screen swaying in the mountains, streams, waterfalls and shoals between, which gives the tourists a feeling of serenity and tranquility.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 07:51

Guilin is a world famous scenic city and historical and cultural city. Located in southern XiangGui corridor and 103.4 degrees east longitude 109 ° 36 ° '111 29 ° latitude routines, 24 to 26 ° 23 15', ', average elevation 150 miles and north, northeast surface with hunan, west and southwest border with liuzhou region, south, southeast and connected wuzhou city, guangdong province, adjacent hezhou city connected.

Guilin landscape essence - lijiang is recognised as the world first-class scenic resorts. In guilin lijiang river, it is to point to swim from guilin take a boat trip down the river to yangshuo this 83 kilometers of ShuiCheng, connected to guilin landscape of guilin urban tourism and yangshuo

In the west bank of the river, from guilin yuanyang beach about 46 kilometers. Yang dike cross-strait bamboo forest, joined the emerald green li screen, swaying in the castle peak, silk, waterfalls, shallow between, give a person with quiet and beautiful, halcyon feeling.
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