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发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-09 06:14



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 10:53


Abslrat1: The effect of organic amendment~ on the oil content, heavy metsJs concentration and pH of petroleum contaminated sandy
loam ultisol obtained from Rumuekpe oil field in Emohua Loca.l Government Area of Rivers SUite, Nigeria. was determined, Petroleum
ronwminated !!Oils Wt-ft! tr'(:ated with wood ash, L":Omp:x;t and Mw.qt. The addition of organic amendment~ resulted in a significam(at
95% probability level) decrease in oil content by 92% for composting, 81% for !!cil trfu1lted with sawst and 58% for soil with a~h
suppltNUentati.on, ovfT 6 months. The effect of treatments on the iron( Fe), copper(Cu) and lead(Pb) concentration was &ignificant
at P < 0. 00 L The remediation also alfocted the pH of soil. This initial pH of S . 6 was depresseQ by the applk.ation of (."(lml);)st and
sawst supplements respecti\·rdy to a final pH of 5. 2 and 5 . 3. On the other hand, amending the soil with wcod ash mLqed the pH
from 5.6 to 6.2. Increased acidity caUSf'd a decrease in the heavy metals f'oncentration in the contaminated soil. Soil t~atrnent with
compost generally gave the best remedi.ation result&, followed by sawst and then ash. Adju:nLng the pH of oil conwmin.o.ted soil to
high acidic le\•els. may promote the avsJlability and mig't&tion of heavy metals in reme<liated soils and not necessarily th.e rate of oll

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 10:54

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