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发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-07 11:19



热心网友 时间:2023-08-27 17:19

About sunflower, once some chilly beautiful Greek mythology fable.
Clytie is a sea goddess. She once was sun god Helius sweetheart, but
afterwards Hulley Russia Si fell in love with Persian princess the
colored glaze branch to hold distress Leucothoe. In the jealousy flame
burns gram Lu Tie accused the colored glaze branch to Persian King
Orchamus to hold the distress and Hulley the Russia Si's relations.
The Russia ear card will touch Si to issue an order not the loyal
daughter to bury alive. Hulley Russia Si after knew this matter,
thoroughly cut off with gram Lu Tie communicating. Unreasoning passion
gram Lu Tie first Lian Shutian does not eat does not drink, stares at
Hulley Russia Si to drive the solar vehicle to raise from east side
from the west falls, is thin and pale day after day, finally changes
into a sunflower.

热心网友 时间:2023-08-27 17:20

About sunflower, once some chilly beautiful Greek mythology fable.Gram Lu Tie (Clytie) is a sea goddess.She once was the sun god Hulley Russia Si (Helius) sweetheart, but afterwards Hulley Russia Si You fell in love with Persian Princess (Persia) the colored glaze branch to hold distress (Leucothoe).In the jealousy flame burns gram Lu Tie the card touched Si (Orchamus) to Persia Wang Eer to accuse the colored glaze branch to hold the distress and Hulley the Russia Si's relations.The Russia ear card will touch Si to issue an order not the loyal daughter to bury alive.Hulley Russia Si after knew this matter, cut off thoroughly with gram Lu Tie communicating.West unreasoning passion gram Lu Tie first Lian Shutian does not eat does not drink, stares at Hulley Russia Si to drive east the solar vehicle to rise to fall, day after day thin and pale, finally changes into a sunflower (sunflower).
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