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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 00:20



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 02:16

原料:荷叶饼5张 黄瓜1根 葱白1根 鸡腿1个 炸鸡粉1袋
调料:甜面酱 50克 沙拉酱25克 鸡蛋半只
1) 将鸡腿剔骨,把鸡腿肉切成1cm宽,4cm长的条。黄瓜刷净切成1cm宽,4cm长的条,葱白切成5mm宽,4cm长的丝备用。
2) 在切好的鸡肉条中放入打散的蛋液,均匀的裹上蛋液后,蘸满炸鸡粉准备炸至。
3) 取一只深一些的小锅,倒入油,当油温8成热时,一条条的分次放入鸡肉条,炸到金*即可捞出。
4) 同时,蒸锅中倒入水,大火加热,待水开上气后,放入荷叶饼蒸半分钟。蒸好后,把饼一张张的放入不放油的平底锅中,用最小的小火烙成单面上色即可。
5) 在烙好的饼中,放上鸡肉条,黄瓜条,葱丝卷,挤上甜面酱和沙拉酱,卷好后即可食用。
Old Beijing chicken book
Ingredients: lotus leaf bread five tickets cucumber 1 root leaf of one chicken leg a Fried chicken powder, 1 bag
Seasoning: the sweet 50 grams of salad sauce 25 grams only half eggs
1) will chicken leg eviscerate, chicken leg meat cut into 1 cm wide, article 4 cm long. Cucumber brush net cut into 1 cm wide, article 4 cm long, leaf of cut into 5 mm wide, 4 cm long wire. Set aside.
2) of cut chicken in article in scattered in the egg, uniform wrapped in egg, it with Fried chicken powder Fried to prepare.
3) in a deep some little pot, add oil, when the oil temperature 8 into heat, a part time article add chicken, Fried until golden brown can get out.
4) at the same time, the steamer, pour into water, fire heating, stay on the water gas, steam bread in lotus leaf half minutes. Evaporate, put the bread into one not to put the oil pan, with the smallest little fire burger into single color can.
5) in the burger good bread, the article put chicken, article cucumber, shredded green onion rolls, squeezing the sweet and salad dressing, roll after good can be eaten.追问好难……呃,用初中的水平应怎样写?

(1) will chicken thick incision, into deep pan, add seasoning marinate for 20 minutes.
(2) cooperate with chicken width, the onion cut into proper length.
(3) to spread a piece of microwave film, put a piece of chicken, the central put shredded ginger and green dish, lapped up again.
(4) another piece of chicken in the same way also rebbed in.the mounting.
(5) the chicken into rebbed in.the mounting containers, high fire 7 minutes.
(6)2 ~ 3 minutes after aside to uncover microwave film, cut the, the dish was the central decoration.

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