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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 21:16



热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 00:09




Ever since I was a girl my own mother vowed(起誓)

I must find the way to power through a noble brow 顶级贵族

I married once for love, then my senses came

I must marry for the stature名望 of my husband's name

Onto marriage number two

I knew what I had to do

my poor husband fell ill in a year or two

Solved problem number one, now to problem number two

His doe-eyed天真无邪的 little girl with gentle point of view

Would I ship her off to school?

No! I told her if she stayed that she’d have

To earn her keep and so she became the maid女仆


She was lazy!she was crazy!

She was talking to the mice!)

She was hopelessly naïve, so she had to pay the price

I moved her to the attic阁楼 out of sight and out of mind

I could have thrown her out, but I am benevolent仁慈的 and kind


Mother, your heart’s too big for you)

I knew what I had to do~

After all, difficult children will take advantage of your good nature

So you lock them up, throw away the key

There’s one on every family tree




Vile*的 too, the things she put you through!)

Break their spirit so they obey

Now they’ll do anything you say

Maybe you’d call it cruel but others would call it love

Tough love

I ask you, is it a crime to strive for perfection in all things?


Oh no, they’re so cute when they’re little but

Then they grow up and just ruin everything

I never wanted children, life was better on my own

All the screaming, nagging喋喋不休 chilled寒冷 me to the bone

But then one day I came across a flower growing free

Its magic kept me young, so I kept it all for me

But someone g it up, now a baby held the power

So I “borrowed” her, locked her up and hid her in a tower

Years went by, Oh! the sacrifice!

And against my better judgement, I fed her once or twice

Teenagers now I know I wild eat their young

But that’s messy

Manipulation’s easily more fun

A little guilt, a lot of force, of course you have to lie

Remind them that without you, they’d shrivel up 枯萎and die

They only have themselves to blame

If you’d been there, you’d do the same

So work them hard till they fall in line

There’s one way and its only mine

(白雪公主后妈:Children are lazy!

灰姑娘后妈:Spoiled too!

后妈们合唱:But we know what to do!

白雪公主后妈:Govern them with a heart of stone!

灰姑娘后妈:Lock them up so they’re all alone!

长发公主后妈:Maybe you’d call it cruel but

后妈们合唱:Others would call it love, tough love!)

Ugh, her own tower with a water view and

She runs away, the first chance she gets


These wretched可怜的 brats乳臭未干的臭小子 think the world owes them something,

But it doesn’t

Far and wide I rule the kingdom with a heavy hand

But there was more, I had in mind a greater plan

I never cared to share, so the king would have to fall

But his child blocked the way to me and “Fairest of them all”最美的人

She was chubby胖嘟嘟的, she was mb

And grotesquely荒诞的 optimistic

She needed structure in her life

She wasn’t realistic

I give her chores家务活 and took away the things that she’d enjoy

But then I caught her singing songs with birds and then a boy

Love? Would I just sit by and wait?

For her to take my crown? No!

She had sealed her fate

She had to go, and so she did and you know what

They say, “An apple once a day keeps your enemies away”

Don’t be fooled by their tender亲切的 smile


Give an inch and they’ll run a mile~

Our idea of a happy home

Is one where we live all alone




后妈们合唱:Now let’s all drink to that

后妈女儿们:Call us wicked*的 call us mean

灰姑娘后妈:Cruel and everything in between

长发公主后妈:You could say it’s unjust!

白雪公主后妈:Turning their dreams to st

后妈们合唱:This is what we call love~tough love~~



...赵高指鹿为马、燕昭王以千金买千里骨马、田忌赛马的故事!_百度... 什么是草花? 草花是怎么用的? Rio和锐澳是一家吗 锐澳公司介绍 暧昧期间出去吃饭应该谁买单啊? 一般女方出走几天男方能起诉离婚 女生戴什么水晶手链好1992年出生的 送女生手链时怎么说才浪漫(蓝水晶),就比如像钻石是女人最好的朋友之类... 新民晚报杯足球赛市级总赛事组委会电话 小步进电机不转的问题 请问这个步进电机用手怎么转不动? 后妈茶话会完整版台词是什么? 如何消除微信点赞 用什么软件可以还原鲁大师驱动备份 建行转支付宝限额怎么提高/建行转支付宝限额怎么提高 鲁大师的驱动备份是安装在电脑哪个盘的? 怎么改建行支付宝的支付限额~!? 鲁大师备份驱动的位置能改吗?怎么改? 鲁大师备份数据在网盘什么位置? 我WIN8.1系统不小心被鲁大师备份了,怎么找到备份的系统删除它,现在占用C盘45G太大了。 怎样才能提高建设银行支付宝转账额度 鲁大师哪个是驱动备份文件夹! 建设银行往支付宝转账限额了怎么办 鲁大师驱动备份位置在哪 如何更改建设银行转支付宝的限额 建设银行转账到支付宝怎么提高限额 123de英文怎么写 英文123怎样写 123用英文怎没说 步进电机为什么要有加速过程? 单片机步进电机程序的问题。。。 大神求解答,差速电机是如何控制速度快慢的?我知道步进电机是通过通知脉冲频率来控制速度的。 嘿,白雪公主的后妈是你是什么意思 四台步进电机同时充电,为什么启动会不同步 迪士尼 白雪公主中的台词 步进电机用驱动器细分后,它的驱动脉冲由什么决定? 51单片机控制步进电机可以正转,反转的时候也是正转,但是此时用同样的转过的角度跟正转转过的角度不一样。 视贝A699K万能空调遥控器 新科代码 急急急怎么解锁 白雪公主中后妈服装的解说词 请问步进电机的磁钢是天然磁铁还是人工制造? 《白雪公主》话剧版中文台词!! 白雪公主后妈回头表情包什么意思? 买了个A699K空调遥控器,设置后,除了不能开关,其它键都可以,为什么????? 单片机控制步进电机难学吗? 请做过的专业人士帮忙解答一下! 白雪公主的台词有哪些? 视贝A699K 万能空调遥控器能否遥控格力空调 KF-35GW/E(3532)? 美度新表表链太松会导致手表走走停停吗 哪些童话故事中有后妈,名著的说几个 相同条件下,步进电机和异步电机 哪个价位高?