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大家以“my thinking on success and failure(我对成功和失败的想法)”来写篇100~150左右的英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 04:14



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 21:44

At first ,I want to say everybody need a righ attitude to everything,a good attitude to everything.
Then ,In my opinion,success and failure are both important in our life,not beacause of success or failure itself,but the experience of success and the experience of failure.
Experience is important for everybody to do many many things.Maybe we can't do many things at first,we don't know how to do .But after we have experiences,we can do them better.experience,it contains success and failure .So they are both important in our life .
Success always brings so many benifits and goods to us ,and we feel good and happy.We know,we like success,not for success itself,but the effect of success.
On the other hand,failure always brings so many sadnesses and pains to us,and we also feel sad and hopeless,not for failure itself,but the result of failure we felt.
Both from success and failure we can learn much.From success,we can change the whole thing,the successful thing to be our habit and then we can do the same thing easily and better next time .From failure,we can know what we can do and what we can't do next time,and we also can find out the reason why we failed,then we can do better next time.
I also want to say ,both success and failure are true in fact.And we should face them,just because they are both ture which I think what is the most important of success or failure itself.
Well,do what you can do and do it better,no matter success or failure will be.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 21:44

At first ,I want to say everybody need a righ attitude to everything,a good attitude to everything.
Then ,In my opinion,success and failure are both important in our life,not beacause of success or failure itself,but the experience of success and the experience of failure.
Experience is important for everybody to do many many things.Maybe we can't do many things at first,we don't know how to do .But after we have experiences,we can do them better.experience,it contains success and failure .So they are both important in our life .
Success always brings so many benifits and goods to us ,and we feel good and happy.We know,we like success,not for success itself,but the effect of success.
On the other hand,failure always brings so many sadnesses and pains to us,and we also feel sad and hopeless,not for failure itself,but the result of failure we felt.
Both from success and failure we can learn much.From success,we can change the whole thing,the successful thing to be our habit and then we can do the same thing easily and better next time .From failure,we can know what we can do and what we can't do next time,and we also can find out the reason why we failed,then we can do better next time.
I also want to say ,both success and failure are true in fact.And we should face them,just because they are both ture which I think what is the most important of success or failure itself.
Well,do what you can do and do it better,no matter success or failure will be.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 21:44

At first ,I want to say everybody need a righ attitude to everything,a good attitude to everything.
Then ,In my opinion,success and failure are both important in our life,not beacause of success or failure itself,but the experience of success and the experience of failure.
Experience is important for everybody to do many many things.Maybe we can't do many things at first,we don't know how to do .But after we have experiences,we can do them better.experience,it contains success and failure .So they are both important in our life .
Success always brings so many benifits and goods to us ,and we feel good and happy.We know,we like success,not for success itself,but the effect of success.
On the other hand,failure always brings so many sadnesses and pains to us,and we also feel sad and hopeless,not for failure itself,but the result of failure we felt.
Both from success and failure we can learn much.From success,we can change the whole thing,the successful thing to be our habit and then we can do the same thing easily and better next time .From failure,we can know what we can do and what we can't do next time,and we also can find out the reason why we failed,then we can do better next time.
I also want to say ,both success and failure are true in fact.And we should face them,just because they are both ture which I think what is the most important of success or failure itself.
Well,do what you can do and do it better,no matter success or failure will be.
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